Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Personal Likes and Dislikes 9 (conjunctions)

We’ve looked at various ways of saying what we like, do not like, love, hate, prefer, etc. in short, simple sentences. Now we will look at several ways of combining some of these into longer, more complex ones.

ha (may be hag before a vowel)
bes (SWFM mes)       
but, except
keth[1] (SWFM kynth) (before a vowel)
although, though
ke[2] (SWFM kyn) (before a consonant)
although, though
rag hedna (SWFM rag henna)
thus, so
thus, so
etho (SWFM ytho)
thus, so
dres oll    
Here are some examples:

Da ew genam eva cor ha da ew genam debry hogednow.
I like drinking beer and I like eating pasties.
Da ew genam cor bes nag ew da genam cider. 
I like beer but I don’t like cider.
Da ew genam eva coffy tòbm po dowr gen rew.
I like to drink hot coffee or iced water.
Del ew ûsys me a gar gwin, saw nag ew da genam an gwin na.
Usually I love wine, except I do not like that wine.
Kenth ew da genam gwin rüdh, nag ew da genam gwin gwydn.
Although I like red wine, I do not like white wine. 
Da ew genam diwosow yagh, rag hedna gwell ew genam eva dowr.
I like healthy drinks, so I prefer drinking water.
Nag ew da genam diwosow tòbm, etho nag ew da genam eva coffy.
I do not like hot drinks, so I do not like drinking coffee.
Bestes ew da genam, bes me a gar mergh dres oll           
I like animals, but I particularly love horses.
Kenth ew da genam bestes broas, cas ew genam corrvestes.
Although I like big animals I hate mini-beasts( “creepy-crawlies”).
Ken nag ew da genam corrvestes, cas ew genam gwibes dres oll.
Although I do not like mini-beasts, I hate gnats particularly.

[1] you may also see <kenth> for <keth> and <ken> for <ke> , RG has <kyth>, <ky>
[2]  causes some consonants to mutate – this will be dealt with later

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