2023 Dedh Cans Deg ha Trei Ugens
De Lun, nawnjegves mis Efen
Monday, 19th June
Ero whei ow longya dhe mires ort an eborn nos ha gweles ymagys? Po nag ero whei gweles bes ster? Ma nebes bagasow a ster henwys constellacyons. Ma'n ster en udn bagas owth hevely bos ogas an eyl dhe y gila, bes en gwrionedh anjei alja bos pel a-les. Ma henwyn pur goth dhe nedes constellacyons, rag sampel An Gevellyon. An dew ster an moyha spladn ew gelwys Castor ha Pollux. Ens pednow dew figur gwelen - gen diwvregh ha diwarr? Gwrewgh mires lebmyn drefen bos gellys woja avorow.
Do you belong to look at the night sky and see images? Or do you just see stars? There are several groups of stars called constellations.The stars in a certain group appear close to one another, but really they could be far apart. Some constellations have very old names, for example Gemini (the Twins). The two brightest stars are called Castor and Pollux. Are they the heads of two stick figures - with arms and legs? Look now because they'll be gone after tomorrow.
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