Friday, 30 June 2023

2023 Day 181

2023 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens ha Wonan

De Gwener, degves warn ügens mis Efen

Friday, 30th June

Newher my a wrüg egery an daras rag an kei ha gweles gòlow e'n ebòrn nos. Thera va a-dhelher dhe'n gwedh. An gòlow a gressyas ha sevel – otta loor leun! Pur deg. Saw nag ew hei leun et tien – na whath.

Last night I opened the door for the dog and saw a light in the night sky. It was behind the trees. The light grew and rose – behold a full moon! Very beautiful. But it is not completely full - not yet.

Thursday, 29 June 2023

2023 Day 180

2023 Dedh Cans ha Pajar Ugens

De Yow, nawes warn ugens mis Efen

Thursday, 29th June

An seythen ma thew Seythen Cowsel Kernowek. An ger "cowsel" po "kewsel" ew a bris. Nei venja oll an bobel dhe glappya agan tavas - na amownt an spellyans. Nei a venja clowes an tavas. Redya ew da lowr, bes goslowes ew gwell. An tavas Kernowek ew dhe les rag Kernow y honan, ha rag an re na gen gwredhow Kernowek - bes lowen o nei rag tus en lies pow dhe glappya Kernowek ewedh. Grewgh mires ort an video ma - ma den yonk en Zelond Nowydh ow leverel "Dydh da" - onan a gan "Pemp pub Dedh".

This week it is Speak Cornish Week. The word "speak" is important. We would like everyone to talk our language - the spelling doesn't matter. We would like to hear the language. Reading is OK, but listening is better. The Cornish language is important for Cornwall itself, and for those with Cornish roots - but we are happy for people in many countries to talk Cornish as well. Watch this video - there's a young man in New Zealand saying "Hello (Good day)" - one of our "Five a Day".

Wednesday, 28 June 2023

2023 Day 179

2023 Dedh Cans Trei Ugens ha Nawnjek 

De Merher, ethves war ugens mis Efen 

Wednesday, 28th June

My a gar flourys gwydn. En mis Ebrel, mis Me ha mis Efen nei a wel spern du, spern gwydn,  bleujyow scaw ha ros gwels, en keow, war venedh, ogas dhe'n scova bus ha reb an vorrow. Bold ens oll warbar, saw udn flour udnek ew denty. An sawarn ew wheg saw gwadn. 

I love white flowers. In April, May and June we see blackthorn, white thorn, elder blossom, wild roses, in hedges, on a hillside, near the bus shelter and beside the roads. They are bold together, but a single flower is dainty. The smell is sweet but faint.

Tuesday, 27 June 2023

2023 Day 178

2023 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens hag Etek

De Meurth, seythves warn ügens mis Efen

Tuesday, 27th June

De a veu an kensa dedh a SKK (Seythen Kewsel Kernewek po Seythen Cowsel Kernôwek). An thema rag an vledhen ma ew “Pemp pub Dedh”. Nag ew hedna frûtys ha losow kegin, saw taclow dhe leverel en Kernôwek. Hedhyw, an nessa dedh an seythen, my a glowas ort Davyth Fear ow cowsel adro dhe oll sortow edhyn. Fotograffer marthys ew ev – ha ma va ow clappya Kernôwek da. Otta y elerhy, gelwys “Teylû”.

Yesterday was the first day of Speak Cornish Week. The theme this year is “Five a Day”. That is not fruit and vegetables, but things to say in Cornish. Today, the second day of the week, I listened to Davyth Fear talking about all sorts of birds. He's a wonderful photographer – and he speaks good Cornish. Here are his swans, entitled “Family”.


Monday, 26 June 2023

2023 Day 177

 2023 Dedh Cans Trei Ugens ha Seytek

De Lun, wheffes warn ugens mis Efen

Monday, 26th June

Ass o vy blewek! Na veu dhebm bes dew class, saw nag eus dhebm tra veth aral dhe leverel. Tra veth dhe les. Ow fedn ew maga gwag avel an gover bian en ogas. Ow federyansow ew maga disliw ha loos avel an mor hedhyw. Ma othom dhebm a liw - pecar'a flour nowydh reb ow vos e'n vownder. Ha lebmyn, ma caletter gans ow jynn-amontya! Pe le ma ow fotos disliw? Martesen e vedh possybyl dh'aga addya avorow?

How boring I am! I only had two classes, but I don't have anything else to say. Nothing interesting. My head is as empty as the little stream nearby. My thoughts are as dull and grey as the sea today. I need colour - like a new flower by my wall in the lane. And now, there is a problem with my computer! Where are my dull photos? Perhaps it will be possible to add them tomorrow?

Sunday, 25 June 2023

2023 Day 176

2023 Dedh Cans Trei Ugens ha Whetek

De Sul, pemp warn ugens mis Me

Sunday, 25th June

Rag fra na wruga vy mos dhe Jedh Luyow Arvys en Falmeth de? Drefen nag ew da genam bos en routh veur ha cas ew genam kewer re dobm. Ma vosow tew dhe jei vy ha thew yeyn lowr en hav. Hagensol, na via possybyl dhe vos mes gen trei flogh wydn, dew gei, diw gath hag udn hogh Gyny! Ha rag fra na wruga vy mos mes hedhyw? Dew flogh hag udn kei wrug mos, saw whath thera udn flogh ha'n remenat an bestes.

Why didn't I go to Armed Forces Day in Falmouth yesterday? Because I don't like being in a crowd and I hate excessively hot weather. My house has thick walls and it is cool in summer. Besides, it wouldn't be possible to go out with three grandchildren, two dogs, two cats and one guinea pig! And why didn't I go out today? Two children and one dog did go, but there was still one child and the rest of the animals.

Saturday, 24 June 2023

2023 Day 175

2023 Dedh Cans Trei Ugens ha Pemdhek

De Sadorn, pajwora warn ugens mis Efen

Saturday, 24th June

Ow gour eth dhe Falmeth hedhyw, rag Dedh Lûyow Ervys. My a wrug cortos tre.

My husband went to Falmouth today for Armed Forced Day. I stayed at home. 

Friday, 23 June 2023

2023 Day 174

2023 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Peswardhek 


De Gwener, tryja warn ügens mis Efen 

Friday, 23rd June 


Na veu glaw e’n nos saw glouth. An gwels ew gleb. Ma avalow bian war an leur ewedh, dadn wedhen avalow – an glaw ha’n gwens kens a’s bonkyas dhe’n dor. Bettegens, nag ewa diwedh an bes! Whath ma avalow lowr e'n wedhen. Bes nag eus per veth e'n vledhen ma. Nag ew an wedhen per pur saw. Nebes del ew cabmys.

There wasn’t rain in the night but dew. The grass is wet. There are little apples on the ground as well, underneath an apple tree – the previous rain and wind knocked them down. However, it's not the end of the world! There are still enough apples in the tree. But there are no pears at all this year. The pear tree is not very well. Some leaves are twisted.

Thursday, 22 June 2023

2023 Day 173

2023 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Terdhek 


De Yow, nessa warn ügens mis Efen 

Thursday, 22nd June 


Gellys ew an glaw ha segh ew an gewer arta. Re dòbm ew hei raga vy. Ass ew hedna gwadn! My a dal bos lôwen, bes ow diwarr coth ew pecar’a plobm ha nag eus whans dhe vy bos leskys gen an howl. Theram ow talveja o crohen. Re dòbm ew vorrow ha câwnsow rag keun ewedh. Aga fâwyow ell bos leskys ha tydn. Moy lôwen ens ow qwary war wels.


The rain is gone and the weather is dry again. It’s too hot for me. How feeble is that! I should be happy, but my old legs are like lead and I don’t want to be burnt by the sun. I value my skin. Roads and pavements are too hot for dogs too. Their paws can get burnt and sore. They are happier playing on grass. 

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

2023 Day 172

2023 Dedh Cans Trei Ugens ha Dewdhek

De Merher, kensa warn ugens mis Efen

Wednesday, 21st June

Skith o vy, drefen bos an jedh hir - an hirra. My a dhifunas pur a-varr e'n mettin, gans an howl (saw na wruga vy gweles an howlsav) ha lebmyn thew pur dhiwedhes. Da via genam mires orth an howlsedha war an treth, pecar'a tus e'n tavern war an treth. Saw thew hedna re bell.

I'm tired, because it was a long day - the longest. I woke up very early in the morning with the sun (but I didn't see the sunrise) and now it's very late. I'd like to watch the sunset on the beach, like people in the tavern on the beach. But that is too far.

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

2023 Day 171

2023 Dedh Cans Trei Ugens hag Udnek

De Meurth, ugensves mis Efen

Tuesday, 20th June

Glaw! Woja lies dedh, lies seythen, heb glaw, war an diwedh ma glaw. Golhys ew an to gweder, lenwys ew an balyer glaw, ha'n vownder ew livys gen plodn bras. Na vadna vy mos mes, etho my a drovyas gwary coth war agan gwiasva. Scrifys veu nanj ew teyr bledhen. Ma othom dhebm a scrifa nebes moy.  


Rain! After many days, many weeks, without rain, at last there is rain. The glass roof is washed, the rain barrel is filled, and the lane is flooded with a big puddle. I will not go out, so I found an old game on our website. It was written three years ago. I need to write some more.

Monday, 19 June 2023

2023 Day 170

2023 Dedh Cans Deg ha Trei Ugens

De Lun, nawnjegves mis Efen

Monday, 19th June

Ero whei ow longya dhe mires ort an eborn nos ha gweles ymagys? Po nag ero whei gweles bes ster? Ma nebes bagasow a ster henwys constellacyons. Ma'n ster en udn bagas owth hevely bos ogas an eyl dhe y gila, bes en gwrionedh anjei alja bos pel a-les. Ma henwyn pur goth dhe nedes constellacyons, rag sampel An Gevellyon.  An dew ster an moyha spladn ew gelwys Castor ha Pollux. Ens pednow dew figur gwelen - gen diwvregh ha diwarr? Gwrewgh mires lebmyn drefen bos gellys woja avorow.

Do you belong to look at the night sky and see images? Or do you just see stars? There are several groups of stars called constellations.The stars in a certain group appear close to one another, but really they could be far apart. Some constellations have very old names, for example Gemini (the Twins). The two brightest stars are called Castor and Pollux. Are they the heads of two stick figures - with arms and legs? Look now because they'll be gone after tomorrow.

Sunday, 18 June 2023

2023 Day 169

2023 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Naw

De Sül, etegves mis Efen

Sunday, 18th May

Pe le ma an camera? Na ellama remembra, etho theram ow kemeres ow fôn. Rag fra na ellama kemeres foto da gans ow fôn? Theram ow senjy sygen rag an kei en üdn dorn; na ellama ûsya bes üdn dorn dhe bòsa an spott. Terweythyow nag era vy ow seweny. Hedhyw, theram ow tos tre ha na ellama trouvya be üdn pictour! Hemm ew goth Fowedh - rüdh ha kigliw, emesk an reden.   

Where's the camera? I can't remember, so I take my phone. Why can't I take a good photo with my phone? I'm holding a leash for the dog with one hand; I can only use one hand to press the spot. Sometimes I do not succeed. Today I come home and I can only find one picture! This is valerian (pride of Fowey) - red and pink, among the ferns.