De Lün, nessa warn ügens mis Me
Monday, 22nd May
E'n gordhûher my a gerdhas gans an kei ha gweles dew po trei eskelly-grehen bian ow neyja ha cachya gwibes po gowdhanes. War an diwedh ma anprevyon lowr. (Ha lebmyn ma üdn tycky-Duw nos ow cronkya ow beister ha theram ow cravas gwân gwibesen!) Gwibes ew ow eskerens. An eskelly-grehednas ell debry oll anodhans.
In the evening I walked with the dog and saw two or three small bats flying and catching mosquitos and moths. At last there are enough insects. (And now one moth is bashing my window and I'm scratching a mosquito bite!) Mosquitos are my enemies. The bats can eat them all.
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