Saturday, 13 May 2023

2023 Day 133

 2023 Dedh Cans Terdhek warn Ügens

De Sadorn, terdhegves mis Me

Saturday, 13th May

E'n mettin a-varr my eth dhe'n treth - na wrüga vy mos dhe'n gool mûsek, saw dhe'n vedhegva rag pigbreghlin Covid. Nena my eth en kyttrin bys en Falmeth dhe vetya gen nebes scriforyon. Thera sinys an gool en pub le. Ma tokynva war an treth ha ma telher campya cawrek war an ayrbark. Whei ell gweles Carn Breanek en pelder.  

In the early morning I went to the beach - I didn't go to the music festival, but to the doctor's surgery for a Covid vaccination. Then I went in a bus to Falmouth to meet some writers. There were signs of the festival everywhere. There's a ticket office on the beach and there is an enormous camp site of the airfield. You can see St Agnes Beacon in the distance.

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