2023 Dedh Cans Wonan warn Ügens
De Lün, kensa mis Me
Monday, 1st May
Cala Me lowen dhe bub onan. Na wrüga vy mos dhe weles hebyhors veth. Jorna teg o ha nei a gerdhas war Vorr an Sans nowydh. Da ew gen an maw bian crambla war an camm desedhans (rag mergh). Ma wrüga nei gweles margh veth, saw nei a welas lies diwroser (ha lies kei). Ow whei skith? Whei ell powes war scavel bredn. An vorr ew compes, bes thew nebes gwels war bub ternewen. Otta gwedhen ew codhys, hy gwredhyow e'n ayr.
Happy May Day to everyone. I didn't go to see any hobbyhorse. It was a lovely day and we walked on the new Saint's Trail. The little boy likes climbing on the mounting block (for horses). We didn't see any horses, but we saw lots of cyclists (and lots of dogs). Are you tired? You can rest on a wooden bench. The path is level but it's quite wild on all sides. Here's a tree that's fallen, its roots in the air.
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