Tuesday, 6 December 2022

2022 Day 340

2022 Dedh Trei Hans ha Dogens

De Meurth, wheffes mis Kevardhû

Tuesday, 6th December

Agan kentrevoges a gar bestes pajartròsek - mergh, llamas, keun, cathes. Hy fernas an diwettha ew üdngorn! Lôwenek ha liwys ew dhe weles hebma en kewer loos ha disliw. Tho an eborn ha'n mor glas - henn ew maga loos avel lüjiw. E veu tabm bian a rüdh e'n mettin a-varr, saw woja hedna na veu liw veth. Bes lebmyn ma kylgh adro dhe'n loor.

Our neighbour loves four-legged animals - horses, llamas, dogs, cats. Her latest purchase is a unicorn! It's cheerful and colourful to see this in grey and colourless weather. The sky and the sea were grey - that's as grey as ashes. There was a bit of red in the early morning, but after that there wasn't any colour. But now there's a ring around the moon. 

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