Trei Hansves
Dedh Onan warn Ügens
De Sül, etegves
mis Dû.
18th November
Rüdh ew üdn kensa
liw ha ma dew aral moy, melyn ha glas (blou). Na ell anjei boas gwres gen
liwyow erel kemeskys warbarth. Ma taklow rüdh o tastewydnya golow rüdh (todnhes
adro dhe seyth cans nanometer). Ma taklow melyn o tastewydnya golow melyn (todnhes
pemp cans nanometer ha trei ügens ogasty). Ha ma taklow glas/gwer o tastewydnya
golow glas/gwer (todnhes berra vel pemp cans nanometer). Da ew genam melyn,
flourys melyn dres ehen – thera vy o pedery adro dhe wolow an howl. Thew eythin
pecar’a wolow an howl en ke, ke via tewal an gewer. Owr, an metol melyn, ew
spladn ewedh. Meurgerys ew hedna – ha kerys o va rag termyn hir kens lebmyn. Ha
ma tegednow melyn ewedh – whei ell degy badna howl!
Red is one primary colour and there are another two
more, yellow and blue. They can’t be made by other colours mixed together. Red
things reflect red light (wavelength about 700nm). Yellow things reflect yellow
light (wavelength almost 560nm). And blue things reflect blue light (wavelength
shorter than 500nm). I like yellow, particularly yellow flowers – I think about
sunlight. Gorse is like sunshine in a hedge, although the weather might be gloomy.
Gold, the yellow metal, is bright as well. That is much loved – and it was
loved for a long time before now. And there are yellow jewels as well – you can
wear a drop of sun!
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