Friday, 30 November 2018

A Year of Late Cornish Day 333

Trei Hansves Dedh Terdhek warn Ügens

De Gwener, degves warn ügens mis Dû.
Friday, 30th November

Gellys ew mis . Gellys ew kidnyadh. Pe le? Avorow a vedh gwav en tevry. Thew an dedhyow berr ha'n nosow hir. Nag eus termyn e'n jedh dhe wil meur a whel e'n lowarth - nag eus bes termyn lowr dhe guntel emann oll an del marow.
November has gone. Autumn has gone. Where? Tomorrow will indeed be winter. The days are short and the nights long. There is not time in the day to do much work in the garden - there is just enough time to pick up all the dead leaves.

Thursday, 29 November 2018

A Year of Late Cornish Day 332

Trei Hansves Dedh Dewdhek warn Ügens

De Yow, nawhes warn ügens mis Dû.
Thursday, 29th November

Sqwat! E veu tros ûhel e’n nos. Pur wenjek o hei, gwens crev. Pandra wrüga nei cavos e’n mettin? Nag eus caletter et agan lowarth nei. Bes gwrewgh mires orth an nessa lowarth. Ma caletter brâs dhe’n kentrevek. Ma nebes gwedh hir dhodho et y lowarth ev. Onan anodhans a gollas hûjes scorren e’n tewlder. Nei ell gweles an brow. Na wrüg ev codha war an chei, na war bons bian, na war y vebel lowarth. Thew hedna fortüdnyes. Bes ev a dorras an neujen fôn. Res ew dhe’n kentrevek dhe drehy an predn gen hesken nerth.

Crash! There was a loud noise in the night. It was very windy, a strong wind. What did we find in the morning? There is no problem in our garden. But look at the next garden. The neighbour has a big problem. He has several tall trees in his garden. One of them lost a huge branch in the darkness. We can see the wound. It didn’t fall on the house, nor on a little bridge, nor on his garden furniture. That is fortunate. But it broke the phone wire. The neighbour has to cut the wood with a power saw.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

A Year of Late Cornish Day 331

Trei Hansves Dedh Üdnek warn Ügens

De Merher, ethves warn ügens mis Dû.
Wednesday, 28th November

An liw kensa aral ew 'blou'. Res ew dhebm usya an ger ma, dhort an Frenkek 'bleu', na 'glas'. 'Blou' ew golow gen todnhes adro dhe pemp cans nanometer. 'Glas' alja bos adro dhe pemp cans ha hanter cans nanometer ewedh, po liwyow kemeskys. Blou ew pub pres an keth liw - an liw eborn heb cloudys en hav (po neb seson aral). 'Glas' ew liw an mor en awel da ha hager awel, pub dedh deffrans. 'Glas' ew liw planjow magata. Me ell perna piben a paynt 'blou' bes na aljama perna bes udn biben a'n liw 'glas'.

The other primary colour is 'blou' (blue). I have to use this word from the French 'bleu', not 'glas'. Blue is light with a wavelength about 500nm. 'Glas' could be about 550nm as well, or mixed colours. 'Blou' is always the same colour - the colour of a cloudless sky in summer (or any other season). 'Glas' is the colour of the sea in good weather and in storm, every day different. 'Glas' is the colour of plants as well. I can buy a tube of 'blou' paint but I couldn't buy only one tube of the colour 'glas'.

A Year of Late Cornish Day 330

Trei Hansves Dedh Deg warn Ügens

De Meurth, seythves warn ügens mis Dû.
Tuesday, 27th November

Pandr’ew an liwyow Pow Kernow? Otta gwarioryon peldroos rugby ow tegy hevejyow ha lodrow owr ha dû – an liwyow Dûk Kernow. Owr rag an besons dhe dhasperna üdn Dûk dhort an Sarsyns lies bledhen alebma. Ma dhe’n gour vy colmen codna e’n liwyow na (ro dhort y ownter). Ma dû hag owr e’n brîth Pow Kernow ewedh, keffres ha gwydn ha dû rag an baner, rüdh rag gelvin ha diwarr palores, ha glas (blou) rag an Mor Brâs Atlantek. Ma dhebm scarf brîth Pow Kernow (ro dhort ow hôr wheg).    

What are the Cornish colours? Here are rugby players wearing gold and black shirts and socks – the colours of the Duke of Cornwall. Gold for the bezants to ransom one Duke from the Saracens many years ago. My husband has a necktie in those colours (a present from his uncle). Black and gold are in the Cornish tartan too, as well as white and black for the flag, red for a chough’s beak and legs, and blue for the Atlantic Ocean. I have a Cornish tartan scarf (a present from my sister-in-law).

Monday, 26 November 2018

A Year of Late Cornish Day 329

Trei Hansves Dedh Naw warn Ügens

De Lün, wheffes warn ügens mis Dû.
Monday, 26th November

Nag ew lowr an ger “melyn” rag lymners. Me a sarchyas en  cofer et ow stûdio ha me a gavas lies piben a liw -  liwyow oyl, liwyow acrylek, liwyow dowr (dall ha boll), gen nebes ehen a “melyn”. Me a gavas nebes ehen a rüdh ewedh. Liwyow ell bos natural po synthetek (creftys). Natural liwyow melyn ha rüdh ew dhort prei liwys – gossen, tir a Siena, tir tewal. Ma horn ettans, gen monyow erol. An prei leskys ew moy dû. Da ens rag liwya tirwedhyow. Melyn ha rüdh ew liwyow “tòbm”. Da ens e’n gwel rag – mons ow tos war rag -  da rag gwelva. Na wrewgh gorra melyn po rüdh e’n gwel delher (en pelder) – drog rag perspectiv. Me a gar ûsya gossen melyn rag an treth - an liw own ew. Mars nag eus bes liwyow tòbm en pictour ena nag eus perspectiv veth. An brith spladn ma ew gen Julia Rowlands (Krowji, Redrüdh).  
The word “yellow” is not adequate for painters. I searched in a chest in my studio and I found a lot of tubes of paint – oil paints, acrylic paints, watercolours (opaque and transparent), with several varieties of yellow. I found several types of red as well. Colours can be natural or synthetic (artificial). Natural yellow and red colours are from coloured clays – ochre, Sienna, umber. There is iron in them, with other minerals. The burnt clay is darker. They are good for painting landscapes. Yellow and red are “warm” colours. They are good in the foreground – they come forward – good for perspective. Do not put yellow or red in the background (in the distance) – bad for perspective. I love using yellow ochre for the beach - it's the right colour. If there are only warm colours in a picture then there is no perspective at all. This bright painting is by Julia Rowlands (Krowji, Redruth).

Sunday, 25 November 2018

A Year of Late Cornish Day 328

Trei Hansves Dedh Eth warn Ügens

De Sül, pempes warn ügens mis Dû.
Sunday, 25th November

Ma trei aval (frût) obma – aval, limaval ha limaval glas! Glas ew an aval bian ha glas moy tewal ew an limaval glas. Lymons (limavalow) ew melyn – ma liw melyn lymon!
En Truru ma Strêt Lemon gen Marhas Strêt Lemon, Cay Lemon ha “Villas” Lemon. En Besow ma Rew Lemon hag en Baldû ma Deijy Lemon. Nag ens henwys warlergh an frût, tabm veth! E veu teylû brâs en Kernow dres lies bledhen – gen hanow pobel “Lemon”. Nebes anodhans a veu senedhoryon en Loundres. Devedhys ew an hanow na dhort Sowsnek Coth “Leofman” – hen’ew “caradow”. Otta pictûr coth a Gay Lemon gen dowr (Dowr Ithy) dhe’n Pons Lemon. Lebmyn thew hebma an “Piazza” – e veu gorherys en 1926.   

There are three apples (fruits) here – an apple, a lemon and a lime! The little apple is green and the lime is darker green. Lemons are yellow – there is a colour lemon yellow!

In Truro there is a Lemon Street with a Lemon Street Market, a Lemon Quay and Lemon Villas. In Bissoe there is a Lemon Terrace and in Baldhu there is a Lemon Cottage. They are not named after the fruit, not at all! There was an important family in Cornwall for many years – with the surname “Lemon”. Several of them were Members of Parliament in London. That name has come from Old English “Leofman” – that is “beloved”.
Here’s an old picture of Lemon Quay with water (River Kenwyn) to the Lemon Bridge. Now this is the “Piazza” – it was covered in 1926.

Saturday, 24 November 2018

A Year of Late Cornish Day 327

Trei Hansves Dedh Seyth warn Ügens

De Sadorn, pajwora warn ügens mis Dû.
Saturday, 24th November

Glas (blou) ew ebòrn ha glas (gwer) ew gwels. Melyn ew tewenyow ha melyn ew flourys eythin. Anan? Nei a wel an liwyow compes ha lowen o nei. Còsel ew. Bes e’n ymach ma gen Tony Hogan ev a liwyas pub tra gen liwyow gow. Ma blou, melyn ha purpur oll e’n teleryow cabm. Ancres ew dhe’n lagajow ha dhe’n bres. Nag ew còsel. Ev alja bos planet anketh!
Sky is blue and grass is green. Sand dunes are yellow and gorse flowers are yellow. Aren’t they? We see the correct colours and we are happy. It’s restful. But in this image by Tony Hogan he painted everything with false colours. Blue, yellow and purple are all in the wrong places. It’s a disturbance to the eyes and to the mind. It’s not restful. It could be an alien planet.

Friday, 23 November 2018

A Year of Late Cornish Day 326

Trei Hansves Dedh Whegh warn Ügens

De Gwener, tryja warn ügens mis Dû.

Friday, 23rd November

Ma eledh ow tos dhe Truru, eledh velyn (po owriek) gwydn (po arhans) aga eskelly. Mons ow pargesy (terneyja), dres Strêt Boscawen, reb Hel a'n Coyn, a-ûgh dhe'n men co gen garlons a vyllys rüdh. Oll an golowow Nadelik en Truru a veu tinys de Merher e'n gordhûher. E veu gool - Cita a Wolowow - gen procecyon a hûjes lugern adro dhe'n strêtys. E veu taclow erol ow terneyja gans an eledh. Otta colom a gres ha gensy branch oliv.

Angels come to Truro, yellow (or golden) angels with white (or silver) wings. They are hovering over Boscawen Street, by the Coinage Hall, above the war memorial with wreaths of red poppies. All the Christmas lights in Truro were switched on on Wednesday in the evening. There was a festival - City of Lights - with a procession of huge lanterns round the streets. There were other things hovering with the angels. Here's a dove of peace with an olive branch.

Thursday, 22 November 2018

A Year of Late Cornish Day 325

Trei Hansves Dedh Pemp warn Ügens

De Yow, nessa warn ügens mis Dû.
Thursday, 22nd November

 Nag eus odhom dhewgh a voas pell en Kernow dhe weles an liw melyn. Ma eythin o plejowa en neb le, en neb ke, en pub mis.  Ma lavar coth adro dhe eythin. Mars ew eythin mes a vlouth, ena baya ew mes an gis. Nei a wel blouth eythin en gwav, gwenton, hav ha kidnyadh. En gwenton ma whath moy flourys melyn dhe vos gweles: brially ha solsow (lily an Corawys). Ma gwelyow gen milyow a flourys melyn, gonethys rag flourys trehys po rag aga crenwredhow. Ma medhegneth dhort solsow ewedh – fysek rag sowdhan henys (dementia).   

You do not need to go far in Cornwall to see the colour yellow. Gorse is flowering somewhere, in some hedge, in every month. There is an old saying about gorse. If gorse is out of blossom, then kissing is out of fashion. We see gorse blossom in winter, spring, summer and autumn. In spring there are even more yellow flowers to be seen: primroses and daffodils (Lenten lilies). There are fields with thousands of yellow flowers, cultivated for cut flowers or for their bulbs. There is a medicine from daffodils as well – a treatment for dementia.

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

A Year of Late Cornish Day 324

Trei Hansves Dedh Pajer warn Ügens

De Merher, kensa warn ügens mis Dû.
Wednesday, 21st November

Nag eus bes üdn mis bys e’n cotta dedh. Solabres thew an gewer vel en gwav. E veu rew war veistry e’n nos (tû aves, en gwella pres). Termyn me veu flogh ma co dhebm gweles rew tû bera. An nos o pur gler ha tho an loor leun po nebes. En dew nos moy e vedh (y fedh) loor leun (henwys “Loor an Bever”). Ma arwòdh an Zodiak “An Scorpion” o corfen hedhyw. Avorow an nessa sin a vedn dalla, hedna ew “An Sether”. (Prag na sethores?)     

It is only one month till the shortest day. Already the weather is wintery. There was frost on windows in the night (on the outside, fortunately). I remember seeing frost inside when I was a child. The night was very clear and the moon was almost full. In two more nights there will be a full moon (called the “Beaver Moon). The zodiac sign “Scorpio” comes to an end today. Tomorrow the next sign will start, that is “Sagittarius” (the archer). (Why not archeress?)

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

A Year of Late Cornish Day 323

Trei Hansves Dedh Trei warn Ügens

De Meurth, ügensves mis Dû.
Tuesday, 20th November

Me a vetyas gen cothman rag cawas kidnyow en bosty Lily’s en Truru. Nei a dhabras cowl blesys sherp ha spisek, gwres a bübrednow rüdhvelyn ha caretys. Pur velyn o! Ha nei a gowsas adro dhe oll sortow taklow, rag ensampel adro dhe liw melyn. En Spayn ma hegoledhow adro dhe’n liw ma. Anfüjik ew. Na wrewgh rei dillas melyn rag ro. Na wrewgh degy dillas melyn rag dedhyow a bris (aposyansow hag erol). En ojow cres, sulffur melyn po loskven o keskelmys en bresyow an bobel gen Effarn ha’n Jowl (an Tebel El). Rag hedna, tho melyn an liw a dhrog ha drocoleth.  Rüdh, blou ha purpur o an liwyow a sansoleth ha dader. En pajerdegves cansbledhen, Giotto a liwyas Judas en pal melyn. Ev a wrüg trayta Crist gen abm. An Crist ew qweskys en blou, bes calish ew dhe’y weles.  E’n imach ma melyn o cudha blou. Symbolieth ew - dader ew reverthys gen drocoleth.

I met a friend to have lunch in Lily’s café in Truro. We ate hot, spicy soup made with orange peppers and carrots. It was very yellow! And we chatted about all sorts of things, for example about the colour yellow. In Spain there are superstitions about this colour. It’s unlucky. Do not give yellow clothes as a present. Do not wear yellow clothes for important days (examinations, etc.). In the middle ages, yellow sulfur or brimstone was linked in people’s minds with Hell and the Devil. Therefore, yellow was the colour of evil and wickedness. Red, blue and purple were the colours of piety and goodness. In the 14th century, Giotto painted Judas in a yellow robe. He betrayed Christ with a kiss. The Christ is clothed in blue, but it is hard to see it. In the image yellow hides blue. It's symbolism - goodness is overwhelmed by wickedness. 

Monday, 19 November 2018

A Year of Late Cornish Day 322

Trei Hansves Dedh Dew warn Ügens

De Lün, nownjegves mis Dû.
Monday, 19th November

Lowen o vy hedhyw. Ma omweler dhen – agan mab. Ev a wrüg doas rag pedn bloodh o gour. Ha ma dres ganjo nebes skeusednow/fotos. Ev a veu gans y wreg deg ha y dhew vab wheg e’n eglos rag bejedh an vebyon. Gevellyon ew an flehes. Thera cantolyow melyn ha cantolbrednyer owr drefen boas Pask. 
I am happy today. We have a visitor – our son. He has come for my husband’s birthday. And he has bought some photos with him. He was with his lovely wife and his two sweet sons in the church for the christening/baptism of the boys. The children are twins. There were yellow candles and gold candlesticks because it was Easter.

Sunday, 18 November 2018

A Year of Late Cornish Day 321

Trei Hansves Dedh Onan warn Ügens

De Sül, etegves mis Dû.
Sunday, 18th November

Rüdh ew üdn kensa liw ha ma dew aral moy, melyn ha glas (blou). Na ell anjei boas gwres gen liwyow erel kemeskys warbarth. Ma taklow rüdh o tastewydnya golow rüdh (todnhes adro dhe seyth cans nanometer). Ma taklow melyn o tastewydnya golow melyn (todnhes pemp cans nanometer ha trei ügens ogasty). Ha ma taklow glas/gwer o tastewydnya golow glas/gwer (todnhes berra vel pemp cans nanometer). Da ew genam melyn, flourys melyn dres ehen – thera vy o pedery adro dhe wolow an howl. Thew eythin pecar’a wolow an howl en ke, ke via tewal an gewer. Owr, an metol melyn, ew spladn ewedh. Meurgerys ew hedna – ha kerys o va rag termyn hir kens lebmyn. Ha ma tegednow melyn ewedh – whei ell degy badna howl!

Red is one primary colour and there are another two more, yellow and blue. They can’t be made by other colours mixed together. Red things reflect red light (wavelength about 700nm). Yellow things reflect yellow light (wavelength almost 560nm). And blue things reflect blue light (wavelength shorter than 500nm). I like yellow, particularly yellow flowers – I think about sunlight. Gorse is like sunshine in a hedge, although the weather might be gloomy. Gold, the yellow metal, is bright as well. That is much loved – and it was loved for a long time before now. And there are yellow jewels as well – you can wear a drop of sun!

Saturday, 17 November 2018

A Year of Late Cornish Day 320

Trei Hansves Dedh hag Ügens

De Sadorn, seythdegves mis Dû.
Saturday, 17th November

 Jowal pur deg, pur rüdh ha pur dalvosek ew an rûby. Meurgerys o anjei en termynyow eus passyes. Ma gwersyow e’n Beybel adro dhodhans. Ezêkiel 27:16 emedh “Syry a wre negyssya genes, dre reson a’n abùndans a’th wara; y fedhons ow keschaunjya rag dha wara emerôs, purpur, brosweyth, sendal, coral ha rûbys.” (Meur ras dhe Nicholas Williams rag an treylyans nowydh ma.) Proverbys 8 (radn) emedh “Bedhens o descans en le arhans dhewgh, ha skians en le owr pur, rag fürneth ew gwell es rûbys …”  Eus pedn bloodh dhewgh en mis Gorefan? Agas men genesigeth ew an rûby.

The ruby is a very beautiful, very red and very valuable jewel. They were much loved in bygone times. There are verses in the Bible about them. Ezekiel 27:16 says “Syria did business with you because of your abundant goods; they exchanged for your wares emeralds, purple, embroidered work, fine linen, coral and rubies. (Thanks to Nicholas Williams for this new translation.) Proverbs 8 (a part) says “Receive my instruction instead of silver and knowledge instead of pure gold, for wisdom is better than rubies …” Do you have a birthday in July? Your birth stone is the ruby.

Friday, 16 November 2018

A Year of Late Cornish day 319

Trei Hansves Dedh ha Nawnjek

De Gwener, whetegves mis Dû.
Friday, 16th November

En nownjegves cansvledhen letherwesyon a oos an Vaternas Victoria  o gweskys en cottys rüdh. Tho an post “Post Real” ha rüdh o an liw real - hag ev a veu war vaner an Sowson. (Whei ell perna an imach ma war linen.) Letherwas a veu creies “rüdhek” drefen boas rüdh ascra rüdhek ewedh. Lowen o an bobel dhe weles letherwas o toas gen aga letherow. An kensa carten Nadelek a veu danvenys gen Ser Henry Cole en mil eth cans trei ha dogans. Scon o anjei pur dha gen an bobel – ha whath ens meurgerys. Ma lies henwhedhel adro dhe’n rüdhek ha Nadelek, ha scon thera rüdhogyon war cartednow Nadelek. Ottons y whath, gen kist post rüdh.  

In the 19th century Victorian postmen were clad in red coats. The post was the “Royal Mail” and red was a royal colour - and it was on the English flag. (You can buy this image on line.) A postman was called a “robin” because a robin’s chest is red as well. People were happy to see a postman coming with their letters.  The first Christmas card was sent by Sir Henry Cole in 1843.  They were soon very popular – and they are still much loved. There are many legends about the robin and Christmas, and soon there were robins on Christmas cards. Here they are still, with a red postbox.

Thursday, 15 November 2018

A Year of Late Cornish Day 318

Trei Hansves Dedh hag Etek

De Yow, pemdhegves mis Dû.
Thursday, 15th November

Teller en Pentir ew aswonys en Kernow rag y flourys. Ma Porth Lojowek ogas dhe Langorrek ha, en mis Efan, thew an prasow leun a villys cogh teg ha bothednow. Meurgerys ens gen skeusenoryon ha lymners. Lymnores moyha kerys vy ew Georgia O’Keeffe. Hei veu Americanes. Hei a wrüg liwya hûjes flourys, millys cogh ha du comprehendys, heb gwel, hanter anpeth. “Ma tüs o kerdhes dres flourys,” emedh hei, “ha nag üjy anjei mires ortans.” Hei a wrüg mires ort hy flourys gen meur a rach. Da ew gen o hothmans liwya flourys magata.

A place in West Pentire is known in Cornwall for its flowers. Polly Joke is near Crantock and, in June, the meadows are full of beautiful scarlet poppies and corn marigolds. They are much loved by photographers and artists. A favourite artist of mine is Georgia O’Keefe. She was American. She painted huge flowers, including scarlet and black poppies, without a background, semi-abstract. “People walk past flowers,” she said, “and they don’t look at them.” She did look at her flowers with great attention. My friends like to paint flowers as well.

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

A Year of Late Cornish Day 317

Trei Hansves Dedh ha Seytek

De Merher, pajerdegves mis Dû.
Wednesday, 14th November

E veu gordhûher pur leun a liw dhebm hanath. En Ty war’n Heyl thera golowow liwys (rüdh ruby ha blou cobalt) o cregy war welynny reb an treth. Nena, en Truru, et o bagas art, nei a wrüg gwary gen crayons oyl – liwyow pur spladn ha crev – ha pur bloos. Nei a dhalathas gen “majenta” (ehen a rüdh), nena nei a addyas y liw contrary (gwer emerôd) – liw a dall dhodho war ros liwyow. Ha, wor’tiwedh, whath moy liwyow, dhe wil imach spladn (an tre'vor).

I had a very colourful evening this evening. In Perranporth there were coloured lights (ruby red and cobalt blue) hanging on poles by the beach. Then, in Truro, in my art group, we played with oil pastels – very bright, strong colours – and very messy. We started with magenta (a variety of red), then we added its complementary colour (emerald green) - the colour opposite to it on the colour wheel. And, finally, yet more colours, to produce a bright image (the seaside).