Place Names 9
are some examples of places named for their wild life (see Landscape Features
6). Perhaps surprisingly some animals (such as rabbits and hares) that you
might expect don’t seem to feature any more, though there are “lost locations”
such as Hellan Conen 1671 (somewhere
in St Ives) and Polscovornogow (parish
Blable (Bleythpol 1302)
wolf’s pool
Kerley (Crugbleth 1306)
wolf’s barrow
Rospletha (Rosplethe 1278)
wolf’s roughland
Bucklawren (Boklouwern ca 1200)
fox’s corner
Lanlawren (Nanslowarn 1356)
fox valley
Millewarne (Maenlewern 1289)
foxes stone
Zawn Polostoc
fox cove chasm
Polbrock (Polbrogh 1321)
badger’s pool
The Vro
Durgan (Dourgen 1813)
place of otters
deep valley at Durgan
Geevor Mine (While an Giver 1716)
the goats’ mine
Veryan and Elerkey (Elerghy 1349)
place of swans
Brown Willy (Brunwenely ca1200)
swallows’ hill
Brane (Bodbran 1086)
crow’s dwelling (or Bran’s dwelling)
(Caervran ca1260)
crow’s fort (or Bran’s fort)
Cutbrawn (Cutbrayn 1476)
crow’s wood (or Bran’s wood)
Mellanvrane (Melyn Bran 1343)
crow’s mill (or Bran’s mill)
Halgabron (Halgybran 1303)
carrion crow’s marsh
Jacka Point (Jacka 1866)
Carn Barges/ Carn Bargus
buzzard’s crag
Bargoes (Crukbargos 1424)
buzzard’s barrow
Perbargus Beach
buzzard’s cove
owl farm
Bosloggas (Boslogos 1327)
dwelling of mice
Caerloggas (Kaerlogoos ca 1320)
fort of mice
Carloggas (Cruglogos 1282)
barrow of mice
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