Thursday, 28 April 2016

Personal Acivities 7 (what are you doing)

The simplest verbs are those that can be used without an object. For the continuous present tense these are used with an appropriate locative part of boas to be plus the continuous verbal particle (whether or not this is actually said or written). Here are some examples of questions and answers (with or without objects):
Pandr’esta o cül?
(SWFM Pyth esos ta ow kul?)
What are you doing? (familiar singular)
Pandr’ero whei o cül?
(SWFM Pyth esowgh hwi ow kul?)
What are you doing? (plural or formal singular)
Pandr’ero vy o cül?
(SWFM Pyth esov vy ow kul?)
What am I doing?
Thero vy o scrifa.
(SWFM Yth esov vy ow skrifa.)
I am writing.
Thero vy o scrifa drolla.
(SWFM Yth esov vy ow skrifa drolla.)
I am writing a story.
Pandr’ero nei o cül?
(SWFM Pyth eson ni ow kul?)
What are we doing?
Thero nei o whesa.
(SWFM Yth eson ni ow hwesa.)
We are sweating (i.e. working hard).
Pandr’uji va o cül?
(SWFM Pyth usi ev ow kul?)
What is he doing?
Ma va o redya.
(SWFM Yma ev ow redya.)
He is reading.
Ma va o redya whedhel.
(SWFM Yma ev ow redya hwedhel.)
He is reading a story.
Pandr’uji hei o cül?
(SWFM Pyth usi hi ow kul?)
What is she doing?
Ma hei o redya story.               (SWFM Yma hi ow redya stori.)
She is reading a story.
Pandr’ujens o cül?
(SWFM Pyth usons i ow kul?)
What are they doing?
Môns o plottya.
(SWFM Ymons i ow plottya.)
They are plotting.
Môns o tevisya towlednow.(SWFM Ymons i ow tevisya towlennow.)
They are inventing programmes.

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