Saturday, 9 February 2019

2019 Day 40

Dedh Dew Ugens
De Sadorn, nawhes mis Whevrel
Saturday, 9th February

Ma venten (fenten) e’n vorr (fordh) ma pub pres en kidnyadh, gwav ha gwenton. Nag ew hei ena en hav, en kewer segh. Bes namnygen me a welas ewedh venten nowydh reb an vorr en Coos Melinjy. Na wrüga vy  besca hy markya kens lebmyn. Mars eus venten e’n vorr, thew down an gover. Mars ew an dowr e’n gover isel nag eus venten e’n vorr – segh ew an vorr. Üjy an merkys ow sygnyfia downder an gover? Merk pemp rag pemp  trooshes martesen? Na ora vy.

There is always a spring in this road in autumn, winter and spring. It is not there in summer, in dry weather. But just now I also saw a new spring by the road in Bolingey Wood. I have never noticed it before. If there is a spring in the road, the stream is deep. If the water in the stream is low there is no spring in the road – the way is dry. Do the marks signify the stream depth? Mark five for five feet perhaps? I don’t know.

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