A Bit More About the
Past 2
have looked at the simple past tense (the preterite) which is usually
recognised by the verbal particle a in front and an –as ending,
debry eat
a dhebras ate
gweles see
a welas saw
sedha sit
a sedhas sat
a few are irregular, e.g.:
doas come
a dheuth came
you can’t remember the simple preterite (because some are irregular or involve
soft mutation), the compound preterite is easily produced by using a
wrüg[1] did plus the verbal noun. It should,
however be used sparingly – it is an emphatic form, best used in reply to a
contrary suggestion or as confirmation, in much the same way as we use did in English, e.g.
me a wrüg doas I did come, I came
me a wrüg debry I did eat, I ate
me a wrüg gweles I
did see, I saw
me a wrüg sedha I
did sit, I sat
sentences from previous lessons can be used to show the difference between the
preterite and the compound preterite. Notice that the verbal noun shows no
Ev a dhebras tesen. He ate (a) cake.
Ev a wrüg debry tesen.
Hei a dheuth tre. She came home.
Hei a wrüg doas tre.
An den a welas cok. The man saw a fishing
An den a wrüg gweles
a egoras beister. He opened a window.
a wrüg egery beister.
Me eth dhe’n shoppys
De’ Sadorn. I went to the shops on Saturday.
a wrüg moas dhe’n shoppys De’ Sadorn.
a bernas boos rag kidnyow Nadelik. I
bought food for Christmas dinner.
Ma a wrüg perna boos rag kidnyow Nadelik.
An venyn yonk na a gerdhas war an treth.
That young woman walked on the beach.
You need to know the use of wrüg so
that you can ask questions or make negative statements (with an appropriate
change of particle[3]),
(a) wrüga vy doas did I come?
(a) wrüga vy debry did I eat?
(a) wrüga vy gweles did
I see?
(a) wrüga vy sedha did
I sit?
na wrüga vy doas I didn’t come
na wrüga vy debry I didn’t eat
na wrüga vy gweles I
didn’t see
na wrüga vy sedha I didn’t sit
Did I sit in your chair?
Na wrüga vy agas gweles
whei. I didn’t see you.
Here is the full affirmative version (we will
look at the full interrogative and negative later, as they are less regular):
did me a
did (familiar = thou didst) che a wrüg
did ev a wrüg
did hei a wrüg
did nei a wrüg
did (formal or plural) whei a wrüg
did anjei a wrüg
Here are some examples from Matthew II:
… e wrüg doas tüs für[5]
adhor an est dhe Jerusalem …
there came (did come) wise men from the east to Jerusalem
is often combined with pa’ (RMC pan) meaning when or as soon as:
Ha pa’wrüg Herod an mytern[6]
klowes hedma, e’ veu troblys …
as soon as
Herod the king heard (did hear) this, he was
Nena Herod, pa’wrüg e’ privedh creia
an düs für adenewen,…
Then Herod, when
he called (did call) the wise men aside
Ha pa’wrüg anjei gweles an
steren, jei wrüg rejoyssya
gen meur a lowender.
And as soon as
they saw (did see) the star they rejoiced (did rejoice) with much joy
Ha jei wrüg doas abera dhe’n
chei, ha wrüg gweles
an flogh yonk ...
they came (did come) into the house, and saw (did see) the young child
And here are some examples from Jowan
Chei a Horr
pa’wrüg anjei doas
dhe’n chei
And when
they came (did come) to the house
pa’wrüg e’ doas dhe’n
And when he came
(did come) to the kitchen
pa’wrüg e’ doas dhe’n
And when
he came (did come) to the door
pa’wrüg Jowan doas
And when
John came (did come) home
pa’wrügo’whei moas
ker …
when you went
(did go) away
[1] this is pronounced
short [rigg] when combined with another verbal noun (as in the examples), but
if used on its own meaning made, did it is long [reeg]
[2] pronounced
[3] The “question
particle” is used in Middle Cornish but has been dropped in Late Cornish
(though the mutation gwrüg>wrüg remains).
[5] In RLC tüs für
is pronounced [teez feer]
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