Wednesday, 1 February 2023

2023 Day 32

2023 Dedh Dewdhek warn Ügens

De Merher, kensa mis Whevrel

Wednesday, 1st February

Calan Whevrel lowen dhe whei. Lebmyn thera nei treth an Vantol (ken Nadelik) en mis Kevardhû ha'n Kehesnos en mis Meurth (ken Pask). Imbolc ew - degol pagan en Wordhen ha Scottlond - martesen pur pur goth.  Tho rag an dallathvos Gwenton, genejigeth a en nowydh ha dalla leth deves. Duwes Keltek Brigid ew enorys. Kevradnys ew hei gen leth ha tan.

Happy First Day of February to you. We are now between the winter Solstice (before Christmas) in December and the spring Equinox in March (before Easter). It's Imbolc - a pagan holiday in Ireland and Scotland - perhaps very very old. It was for the beginning of Spring, the birth of new lambs and the start of ewes' milk. The Celtic Goddess Brigid is honoured. She is associated with milk and fire.

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