Friday, 25 March 2016

Tabm a Gernow 27 (white flowers)

Ma moy a flourys gwydn lebmyn. Ma’n spern dû o talla bleujyowa (blejowa). Otta budys (skyll) gwydn bian. Spernen dhû ew an wedhen ma, drefen boas an frûtys dû. Re avarr ew rag flourys spern gwydn.

Thew an wedhen ma, reb gover, helyk gen cathas helyk. Nebes melin ew gen bleus flourys.

Ma bleujyow gwydn aral obma. Otta persil bûgh. Hanow aral en Pow an Sowson ew las Mytêrnes Anne.

Thew Kernow leun a gennin gwels. Ma flourys gwydn teg dhe gennin gwels bes nag eus sawor teg dhodhans. Aga sawor ew haval dhe onyon. Nag eus bes budys lebmyn.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Tabm a Gernow 26 (butterfly and bluebells)

Me a welas o nessa ticky Düw. Nag ew hedna mer morlu rüdh avel an kensa: payon ew. Da ew ganjo flourys melin.

Nag ew melin oll an flourys en gwenton. Obma ha ena me a drouvyas üdn velyonen purpur disliwys. Nebes avarr ew rag an flourys ma.

Ma flourys glas erel o toas ewedh. Me a welas bleujyow an gog (blejow a'n guckow) reb an eglos, saw re avarr ew rag an gog. (Ha na wrüg cog veth doas dhe Lannberan e’n vledhen eus passyes.) Thew an re ma bleujyow an gog Spanek, me a hevel. Efan ew an flour.

 An re ma, en teller aral, ew bleujyow an gog Sowsnek. Thens ydna, ha moy tewl ew aga liw.

Personal Activities 2

Here is a list of some of the more common verbs (some computing related) which show hard mutation after the continuous verbal particle, <o>, <ow>, <owth>, whether it is written or not, when using the continuous present tense.
Remember that it is verbs starting with b, d, g which mutate to p, t  and q (or k)
(Purple brackets indicate SWFM, based on Middle Cornish, as used by MAGA)

e.g. Thera vy o pollya. (Yth esov vy ow pollya.)  I am bowling.

o pollya
o ponkya
knocking, hitting
o prijyan
danon (danvon)
o tanon (ow tanvon)
o tasûsya
daunsya (donsya)
o taunsya (ow tonsya)
debry (dybri)
o tebry (ow tybri)
degy (degi)
o tegy (ow tegi)
carrying, wearing
desky (dyski)
o tesky (ow tyski)
learning, teaching
o tifres
saving, defending
o tilea
doas (dos)
o toas (ow tos)
o ton
carrying, wearing
o traylya
o carma (ow karma)
shouting, yelling
o clusa (ow klusa)
o conis (ow konis)
working, sowing
o corra (ow korra)
putting, placing
o cül (ow kul)
doing, making
o qwandra (ow kwandra)
gwary (gwari)
o qwary (ow kwari)
o qwaya (ow kwaya)
o qweles
gwerha (gwertha)
o qwerha (ow kwertha)
o qweskel (ow kweskel)
hitting, striking
o qwevya (ow kwevya)
gwisca (gwiska)
o qwisca (ow kwiska)
wearing, donning
o qwitha (ow kwitha)

Other initial letters do not mutate.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Tabm a Gernow 25 (butterfly and yellow flowers)

Jorna teg gwenton o rag kerdhes. Me a welas o kensa ticky Düw. Mer morlû rüdh ew, thera vy o crejy.

Jorna teg o rag o kentrevoges vy ewedh. Da ew genjy marhogeth e'n powdir.

Thew an keow ha gladnow leun a flourys melen lebmen. Thew an re ma losow lagas.

Ha ottobma losyow eyn war gollen.

Ma bleujyow vosow melen abres ewedh.

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Personal Activities 1 (What are you doing?)

We have seen how to talk about things we like doing, things we know how to do and things we do on a regular basis. Now let’s look at how we talk about actions we are doing in the here and now:
Da ew genam gwary golf.
Me a or gwary golf.
Thera vy o longya dhe gwary golf.
I like playing golf.
I can (I know how to) play golf.
I usually play golf.
The last sentence uses the “locative” form of the verb <boas> to be, which gives us the continuous present tense for actions.
<Thera vy > I am (Middle Cornish <Yth esov vy>) is used with a verbal particle and the verbal noun of a secondary verb.
The “continuous particle” used is the equivalent of adding <ing> to the end of an English verb to make the present participle.
In SWFM and older RMC the continuous particle is <ow> (<owth> before a vowel). In older RLC it was <a>, pronounced like English indefinite article. In Late Cornish we are now using <o> (with same pronunciation). In rapid speech it may be dropped completely. Its significance is that it causes the initial letter of some following verbs to harden in pronunciation (hard mutation or provection). In the following examples you can see how Late Cornish lends itself to more fluent speech.
Someone asks you “What are you doing?”
Pandr’ero whei o cül? (formal)
Pandr’esta o cül? (familiar)
You might answer:
Thera vy o qwary golf.
I am playing golf.
Thera vy eva cor.
(RMC Yth esov vy owth eva corev.)
I am drinking beer.
Thera vy o tebry tesen.
 (RMC Yth esov vy ow tybry tesen.)
I am eating cake.

Thera vy eva ola.
(RMC Yth esov vy owth ola.)
I am crying.
Thera vy o prijyon oyow.
I am boiling eggs.
Thera vy o cortos.
I am waiting.

In SWF main form the mutations to remember are:
<b> to <p>, <d> to <t>, <g> to <k>.
Using traditional graphs we have:

<b> to <p>, <d> to <t>, <g> (followed by e, i or y) to <k>,<g> (followed by o, u or a consonant other than w) to <c>, <gw> to <qw>.

Tabm a Gernow 24 (foggy)

Mettin avarr ew. En Kernow howl a wra, bes thera rew bohes e’n nos ha ma niwl lebmen e’n valis. 

Dû ew Bre Anek a bell.  

Ma’n howl o ethedna an rew, keth ew an kerow qwethys gen niwl whath.

Ma Whel Chyverton West maylyes gen niwl ewedh.

An keth liw ew an mor ha’n ebron. Na ellama gweles an mor e'n pelder.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Personal Descriptions 22 (how big?)

There are several ways of saying much the same thing when it comes to asking questions about weight and size in general. You can juggle the suggested questions and come up with even more combinations. Still on the subject of using numbers; you can substitute your own measurements into the following answers:

amount, quantity  can also be used for size
Pe mens o whei?
Which size are you?
Pegebmys[1] o whei? 
Which size are you?

And, getting more personal:
heavy, weight
Pana[2] boos osta?
What weight are you?
Pana boos üjy ennes?
What weight is in you?
Pana bòster üjyenna whei?
What weight is in you?
Pegebmys poos osta?
How heavy are you?

Here are the units you might use:
pens[3] (poos)

A few possible answers:
Pajer ügens kilogram o vy.        
I’m 80 kg.
Poos vy ew cans pens ha dowgens.
My weight is 140 lb.
Ma üdnek menpòs ha hanter ennam.
There is 11 1/ 2   st. in me.

Other sizes you might want to know:
Pegebmys skijyow ero whei o tegy?
What size shoes do you wear?
Pana vroasder ew agas treys?
How big are your feet?
O skijyow ew mens eth.
My shoes are size 8.

[1] This contains the contracted components <pe> which and <mens> size, together with lenited <kem> found in words with “together” implied in their meaning. pe-kem-mens became pegebmys
[2] the <a> at the end of <pana> causes the <p> of <poos> to soften (lenition) to <b>, hence <boos>. Similarly <broasder> becomes <vroasder>.
[3] also spelt <peuns>

Friday, 4 March 2016

Personal Descriptions 21 (how tall?)

Still on the subject of using numbers; you can substitute your own measurements into the following. It is probably better to stick to the formal form in questions, unless you know someone very well.
tallness, height
Pana hirder osta?[2]   
How tall are you? (familiar)
Pana hirder o whei? 
How tall are you? (formal)
Pana hirder üjy ennes?
Pana hirder üjy enna whei?
What height is in you?
Pegebmys hirder osta/o whei? 
How much height are you?

Here are the units you might use:
foot (length)
(anatomical foot is troos)
meusva (f)[4]
Tho vy cans centimeter trei ügens ha deg.
I’m 170 cm.
Whegh trushes o vy.
I’m 6 ft.
Ass ew hir!
How tall! What a height!
Hirder vy ew hanter cans meusva.
My height is 50 inches.
Thew hedna berr!
That’s short!
size (literally bigness)
Pana vroasder o whei?
How big are you? (formal)
Pana vroasder pows o whei?
What dress size are you? (formal)
Nag o vy broasder zero.
I am not size zero.
O broasder pows ew ügens.
My dress size is 20.
Hedna ew re vroas!
That’s too big!


[1] <ühelder > height  is more appropriate for height above the ground, height above sea level, etc.
[2] Use the formal version unless you are sure that the familiar form will not cause offence.
[3] <trus> from foot (troos) and <hes> from along (ahes). Do not rhyme with English “rushes”. KS uses <tros’hës>
[4]  KS has <mesva>: more like the Late Cornish pronunciation