De Merher, wheffes mis Dû
Wednesday, 6th November
Na wrewgh mires emann dhe'n ebòrn, saw gwrewgh mires dhe'n dor. Keth ew an ebòrn loos ha disliw a-ûgh an menedh ha'n mor, ma lies liw spladn dadn an gwedh. Ke via mir yeyn dhe'n vorr (fordh), ma liwyow tòbm e'n keow redenek.
Don't look upwards to the sky, but look downwards (to the ground). Although the sky is grey and dull above the hillside and the sea, there are bright colours under the trees. Although the road may look cold, there are warm colours in the ferny hedges.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
a-ûgh above, over
emann upwards (SWFM yn bann)
dadn ~ en-dadn under (SWFM yn dann)
dhe'n dor downwards, to the ground
disliw dull, drab, faded, colourless
keow hedges < ke (m)
keth ~ ke although
menedh (m) mountain, large hill, hillside
mir (m) look < vb. mires to look
mor (m) sea
redenek ferny, fern-brake < reden (coll.) > redenen (f)