Monday 14 October 2024

2024 Day 288

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens hag Eth

De Lün, pajardegves mis Hedra 

Monday, 14th October 

Ma gwredhen dhe bub verb. Hedna ell bos ûsys avel gòrebma rag üdn person (po kei). My a lavar "Sedh!" ha my a wel an kei sevel emann! Ma othom dhe nei a wil traynyans moy. Nag ew da ganjo sedha. My ell leverel "Cav!" ha "Kergh!" po "Ke dhe gerhes!" gen sowena moy. My a lavar "Cân!" e'n mettin ha my a glow edhen ow cana. Hei a gan war neb coor, heb ger veth dhortam. My alja leverel "Taw tavas!" heb sowena.

Every verb has a root. That can be used as a command for one person (or dog). I say "Sit!" and I see the dog get up! We need to do more training. He doesn't like sitting. I can say "Find!" and "Fetch!" or "Go, fetch!" with more success. I say "Sing!" in the morning and I hear a bird sing. It sings anyway, without a single word from me. I could say "Hush!" without success.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today 

cân (imp.) sing> cana to sing, singing

cav (imp.) find > cavas to find, finding

gòrebma ~ gòrebmyn (m) command, instruction, order

gwredhen (f) root 

kergh (imp.) fetch > kerhes to fetch, fetching

sedh (imp.) sit > sedha to sit, settle, sitting, settling

sowena ~ soweneth (f) success

taw tavas (imp.) hush, hold your tongue, be quiet, etc.

traynyans (m) training < traynya to train

war neb coor anyway

These are examples of the present-future tense used for habitual actions as well as future actions (notice soft mutation after verbal particle):

hei a gan she/it sings < cana to sing (c>g)

my a glow I hear < clowes to hear (c>g)

my a lavar I say < leverel to say

my a wel I see < gweles to see (gw>w)


Sunday 13 October 2024

2024 Day 287

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens ha Seyth

De Sül, terdhegves mis Hedra 

Sunday, 13th October 

Kewgh üdn jedh war dhelher dhort hedhyw. Henn ew "de". Kewgh dew dhedh war dhelher, dhe'n jedh kens hedna. Henn ew "degensete". De vettin my eth dhe Falmeth ha, wòja hedna, Pennryn. E'n dohajedh, wòja hanterdedh, tho an gewer teg ha'n dowr o blou spladn. My a welas lies scath gool bian kelmys e'n ryvar - forest a wernow gwydn heb gool veth. Nag era nei ow qweles scathow gool bian e'n Peran Porth. Moy garow ew an mor ha brâssa ew an todnow - moy anwheg ew rag golyoryon!

Go one day backwards from today. That is "yesterday". Go two days back, to the day before that. That is "the day before yesterday". Yesterday morning I went to Falmouth and, after that, Penryn. In the afternoon, after midday, the weather was lovely and the water was bright blue. I saw lots of little sailing boats moored in the river - a forest of white masts without any sail. We don't see little sailing-boats in Perranporth. The sea is rougher and the waves are bigger - it's more unfriendly for sailors.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today 

anwheg unfriendly

de yesterday

degensete (the) day before yesterday

de vettin yesterday morning

dohajedh afternoon

golyoryon sailors < golyer (m) > golyores (f)

gwernow masts < gwern (f)

hanterdedh midday, noon

kelmys moored, tied up, knotted

kewgh (pl.) ~ ke (fam,) go (imp.) 

mos war dhelher to go back(wards)

scath-gool (m) sailing-boat

Saturday 12 October 2024

2024 Day 286

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens ha Whegh 

De Sadorn, dewdhegves mis Hedra 

Saturday, 12th October 

Eus othom dhewgh a arwòdh nowydh rag neppeth? Desiner po artyst bew nag ew res hedhyw e'n jedh. Whei alja gofen ort 'AI' (skians creftüs). Ow mab a scrifas "Gwrewgh desina arwòdh gen cronek dû en gis Keltek." Hemm ew an diwedh. Eus desinoryon othobmek heb whel lebmyn? Gwell ew genam neppeth moy sempel.

Do you need a new logo for something? A living designer or artist is not necessary nowadays. You could ask AI (artificial intelligence). My son wrote "Design a logo with a black toad in a Celtic style." This is the result. Are there needy designers without work now? I prefer something simpler.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today 

artyst (m) artist

arwòdh (m) logo, symbol, sign

bew alive, living 

creftüs artificial

cronek ~ cranak dû (m) (black) toad

diwedh (m) end, result

gis (m) style

gofen ~ goven to ask

othom (m) need > othobmek needy

res necessary

skians (m) intelligence, learning

Friday 11 October 2024

2024 Day 285

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens ha Pemp 

De Gwener, üdnegves mis Hedra 

Friday, 11th October 

Taclow münys ell bos pur deg, bes nag ens gwelys oll an termyn. Res ew dhen aga whilas. Nag ew flourys an trompys glas gwydnek ma; kewny ens. Ma'n lowarth bian a lîken ma e'n pedn styckedn ke coth. My a gar taclow münys a'n par ma. Ma best bian et ow lowarth, bes nag ewa besca gwelys genam. Ma va dadn an dor. A wra va còsca e'n gwav? Nag ewa en còsca lebmyn - ma va whath ow cül pilyow gòdhor. Fatel ew an gewer dadn an dor? Fatel ell ev godhvos dr'ew kidnyadh? A wrüg ev clowes an rew war an gwels e'n mettin? An gwedh wrüg clowes an rew. Lebmyn mons ow tallath treylya liw.

Tiny things can be very beautiful, but they are not seen all the time. We have to look for them. These whitish green-grey trumpets are not flowers; they are lichen. This little garden of lichen is in the top of an old fence post. I love tiny things like this. There's a little animal in my garden, but I've never seen it. It is under the ground. Will it sleep in the winter. It is not asleep now - it is still making mole-hills. How's the weather under the ground? How can it know that it is autumn? Did it feel the frost on the grass in the morning? The trees did feel the frost. Now they are starting to turn colour.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today 

clowes to feel, hear, sense

en còsca asleep, sleeping

godhvos to know

gwydnek whitish, pale

kewny (coll.) lichen, moss, small algae

lîken (coll.) lichen (scientific)

pilyow gòdhor mole-hills < pil gòdhor (m)

styckedn (m) wooden (fence) post

treylya liw to turn colour, change colour

trompys trumpets < trompa (m)