De Yow, whetegves mis Genver
Thursday, 16th January
Thursday, 16th January
De Lün eus passyes my a scrifas adro dhe'n loor leun gwelys genam en argebmyn rag disqwedhyans (ow tòchya morladorn). Thera loor leun e'n nos na, saw na wrüga vy hy gweles. Re gomolek o an ebòrn nos. My a wra saya gweles an nessa loor leun, ha'n nessa wòja hedna! Ma dhebm calander gen oll an lòryow leun. Ma va ow rei an pres kewar rag keniver cans e'n cans gòlowheans. An loor lebmyn ew pajar ügens ha terdhek e'n cans gòlowys gen an howl. An nessa loor leun a vedh de Merher, an dewdhegves mis Whevrel. Ma henwyn res dhe'n lòryow leun (en "Farmers' Almanac"), saw radn anodhans nag ew perthynek rag Kernow. Nag eus bleydh gwyls veth òbma ow qwandra a-dro en mis Genver! Ha ellen nei gwetyas ergh en mis Whevrel? Nei a wel. Martesen e vedh bleujednow ergh.
Last Monday I wrote about the full moon I saw in an advertisement for an exhibition (about pirates). There was a full moon that night, but I didn't see it. The night sky was too cloudy. I'll try to see the next full moon, and the next after that! I have a calendar with all the full moons. It gives the precise time for each 100% illumination. The moon now is 93% sunlit. The next full moon will be on Wednesday, 12th February. There are names given to the full moons (in Farmers' Almanac), but some of them are not relevant for Cornwall. There's not a single wild wolf here wandering around in January. And can we expect snow in February? We'll see. Perhaps there'll be snowdrops.
Gerva rag hedhyw Vocabulary for today
a'n cans percent (SWFM a'n kans)
argebmyn (m) advertisement
gòlowheans (m) illumination < vb. gòlowhe
gòlowys gen an howl sunlit
gwandra to wander, roam, go for a walk
gwetyas ~ qwachas to expect, anticipate
keniver every, each (can also use pub)
kewar precise, exact (can also use poran)
lòryow moons, satellites < loor (f)
pres (m) time (e.g. on clock) (SWFM prys)
perthynek relevant
Full Moon calendar for 2025
13th January – 15:17 UTC
12th February – 17:07 UTC
14th March – 18:40 UTC
13th April – 21:08 UTC
12th May – 21:28 UTC
11th June – 22:46 UTC
10th July – 22:09 BST
9th August – 21:13 BST
7th September – 19: 42 BST
7th October – 18:20 BST (Supermoon)
5th November – 15:55 UTC (Supermoon)
4th December – 14:48 UTC (Supermoon)