Sunday, 21 June 2015

Personal Descriptions 4 (type of hair)

Other  hairy features you might need to describe:

abranjow (abransow in Middle Cornish). eyebrows
blew lagas                                              eyelashes
minvlew                                                 moustache

bar      (barv in Middle Cornish)               beard

Here are some other descriptions that might apply to hairy parts:

berr                                      short
compes                                straight
crüllys                                  curly (pronounced /krillez/)
hes cres                                mid-length
hir                                        long
tanow                                   thin/sparse
tew                                       thick
todnek                                  wavy

If you have no hair, of course, you may need the following:
mool                                   bald
pedn pilys                           a bald person
heb blew                             hairless (without hair)
Pedn pilys o vy.                   I’m a bald person.
Ma dhebm blew hir ha compes.             
                                            I have long and straight hair.


  1. great stuff Jan, really useful. One oint, though: you give 'yowynk' as MC. Nicholas William reckons the word is not Cornish and there is no trace of it: it is a revivalist invention. Might he be right?

  2. great stuff Jan, really useful. One oint, though: you give 'yowynk' as MC. Nicholas William reckons the word is not Cornish and there is no trace of it: it is a revivalist invention. Might he be right?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I wouldn't argue with what Nicholas says
