My a scrifas "Ass o vy benyn wòcky!" Bes pandr'ew an ger "gòcky/wòcky"? Ma va ow tos dhort hanow edhen, cog po cuckou Europek kebmyn, Cuculus canorus en Latin. Abele ew an hanow devedhys? Ma dhe'n hanow an keth son avel cân an goor cuckou. Ma dhe oll an tavasow en Europ ger kehaval - Kuckuck (Almaynek), coucou (Frenkek), kukułka (Polek), rag sampel. Canor ew an gog (an edhen gorow en üdnek). Ma cân gwerin: "An cuckou ew edhen deg, ma hei ow cana ha hei ow neyja." Cabm! Reydh gabm! Bes edhen deg ew, heb gow. Brith ew hy flüv. Ma enevales erel gen liwyow pecar - puskes: calamajina ha coucou. Nag eus clowys genam cog e'n vledhen ma, bes ma gwelys genam lies bleujen a'n gog et ow lowarth. Thew an liw moy pecar'an pesk vel an edhen. Bes rag fra "wòcky"? Nag ew an edhen "pedn coog" po "pedn goog"! Ma hei ow cavos edhen aral dhe vaga hy flogh nownek.
I wrote "What a silly woman I am!" But what is that word "gòcky/wòcky"? It comes from the name of a bird, common European cuckoo, Cuculus canorus in Latin. Where does the name come from? The name has the same sound as the song of the cuckoo male. All the languages in Europ have a similar word - Kuckuck (German), coucou (French), kukułka (Polish), for example. The cuckoo is a singer (the male bird only). There is a folk song: "The cuckoo is a pretty bird, she singeth as she flies." Wrong! Wrong sex! But it is a lovely bird, without doubt. Its plumage is striped/speckled. There are other animals with similar colours - fishes: cuckoo ray and blue/cuckoo wrasse. They are striped/speckled. I have not heard a cuckoo this year, but I have seen lots of cuckoo flowers (bluebells) in my garden. The colour is more similar to the fish than the bird. But why "wacky"? The bird isn't a "cuckoo-pate" or "bird-brained". She finds another bird to rear her ravenous child.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
abele from where, whence
Almaynek German
brith striped, speckled, mottled, variegated, etc.
cân gwerin (m) folk song
canor (m) singer > canores (f)
Frenkek French
maga to rear, raise (young)
plüv (collective plural) plumage, feathers
Polek Polish
reydh (f) sex, gender
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