Saturday, 4 January 2025

2025 Day 4

2025 Dedh Pajar

De Sadorn, pajwora mis Genver
Saturday, 4th January

Compes veu ow doutys. Ma mernans et ow lowarth. E veu glytt. Ow flourys a veu qwethys gen rew. Na velha aga liw ew rosliw, et y le aga liw ew pecar'a gossen. "Ancow" a scòlkyas an tir. Na wra vy terry an flourys marow war an brysken ma. Anjei ell goskeujy an skyll glas nowydh terebo dos an gwenton.  

My fears were correct. There is death in my garden. There was frost. My flowers were covered in frost. No longer is their colour pink, instead their colour is like rust. "Death" stalked the land. I won't cut the dead flowers on this shrub. They can shelter the new green buds until the spring comes.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

Ancow Death (personified)

doutys fears, worries, doubts < dout (m)

glytt (m) frost 

goskeujy ~ goskeusy to shield, shelter

gossen (f) rust > gossednek rusty

marow dead

mernans ~ mernas (m) death

prysken (f) shrub, bush < prysk (coll.) (p>b)

qwethys gen rew frosty, covered in frost

scòlkya to skulk, stalk

skyll (coll.) buds, shoots, sprouts > skyllen (f)

Friday, 3 January 2025

2025 Day 3

2025 Dedh Trei

De Gwener, tryja mis Genver
Friday, 3rd January 

Skith o vy ha nag ew da genam an gewer yeyn ma. An ayr ew maga yeyn avel yeyner. Da via genam còsca oll an jedh keffres ha'n nos! Martesen, my a dal bos ors po gwywer. My alja debry (dybri) meur a voos, lies knofen ha choclat, e'n kidnyadh, cawas neb telher saw ha goskeusys ha henrosa (hünrosa) terebo gwenton. Ma godeva po vow dhe'n ors. Ma neyth po toll en gwedhen dhe'n gwywer. Henn ew gwell avel bos qwilkyn sedhys en prei war wòles plodn. 


I'm tired and I don't like this cold weather. The air is as cold as a refrigerator. I'd like to sleep all the day as well as the night! Perhaps I should be a bear or a squirrel. I could eat a lot of food, many nuts (and chocolate), in autumn, find somewhere safe and sheltered, and dream until spring. The bear has a lair or a cave. The squirrel has a nest or a hole in a tree. That's better than being a frog submerged in mud at the bottom of a pond.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

godeva (f) lair, den, hideout
goskeusys sheltered
gwywer (m) squirrel
henrosa to dream
neyth (m) nest
qwilkyn (m) frog
toll (m) hole, lair, den
vow ~ fow (f) lair, den, cave 
war wòles at the bottom
yeyner (m) refrigerator

Thursday, 2 January 2025

2025 Day 2

2025 Dedh Dew

De Yow, nessa mis Genver

Thursday, 2nd January 

My a dhetermyas dhe scrifa keniver jorna. Etho my a scrifas. My a dhallathas whedhal nowydh. A dal vy scrifa moy?
I resolved to write every day. So I wrote. I started a new story. Should I write more?

2000 Kensa Jorna
 Bledhen nowydh, neb bledhen nowydh, pub bledhen nowydh, ew termyn dhe wil resolûcyons da. Hagensoll, thew an kensa jorna en cansbledhen termyn whath gwelha dhe wil resolûcyons gwelha. Herwedh ûsadow, na ell termyn an par-na dos bes eneth en bownans. 
  “A Vabm! Eus gwres genes hedhyw Resolûcyon Bledhen Nowydh?” a vednas Senara ort Morgana. 
  “Entei! Theram ow kil an kethsam resolûcyon keniver bledhen. My a vedn bos gwragh an gwelha possybyl.”  
  “Bes henn ew mar vlewek! Nag eus whans dhe vy bos gwragh gebmyn. 
  “Marthys ewa bos gwragh, saw nag os ta gwragh whath! Nag os ta bes terdhek bloodh. Martesen, res ew dhis gòrtos. Dha etegves pedn-bloodh alja drei dhis nebes gallos moy. E’n men termyn chy a dal omassaya telepathieth gen Henvam. Eus gwres resolûcyon genes, martesen.” 
  “An jedh ma ew dallath cansbledhen nowydh. Ha dallath milvledhen nowydh ewa magata. An jedh ma ew specyal dres ehen. Etho, ma othom dhebm a resolûcyon specyal dres ehen. Na vadna vy bos gwragh gebmyn. Ma whans dhebm bos duwes. My a dal bos duwes. My a vedn bos duwes. My a vedh an gwelha duwes.”  
  Rag an kensa termyn et hy bownans, Morgana a veu heb cows!  
2000 First Day
A new year, any new year, every new year, is a time to make good resolutions. Furthermore, the first day in a century is an even better time to make better resolutions. Usually, a time like that can only come once in a lifetime.
"Mum! Have you made a New Year's Resolution today?" Senara asked Morgana.
"Certainly. I make the very same resolution every year. I will be the best possible witch."
"But that is so boring! I don't want to be an ordinary witch."
"It's wonderful being a witch, but you aren't a witch yet! You're only thirteen years old. Perhaps you have to wait. Your eighteenth birthday could bring you some more power. Meanwhile you should practise telepathy with Granny. Have you made a resolution, perhaps?"
"This day is the beginning of a new century. And it's the start of a new millennium as well. This day is particularly special. So I need a particularly special resolution. I don't want to be an ordinary witch. I want to be a goddess. I ought to be a goddess. I will be a goddess. I am going to be the best goddess."
For the first time in her life, Morgana was speechless!

Tabm gerva A bit of vocabulary
bownans ~ bownas (m) life, lifetime, living
determya to resolve, decide, determine
duwes (f) goddess
gwragh ~ gwrath (f) witch
hagensoll further more, moreover
herwedh ûsadow usually
kebmyn ordinary, common (k>g)
keniver every, each
magata as well, also, too
milvledhen (f) millennium
omassaya to practise, rehearse

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

2025 Day 1

2025 Dedh Onan

De Merher, kensa mis Genver
Wednesday, 1st January

Ha my ow scrifa hebma, Du Halan an Vledhen e'n kensa dedh ew ogastei gorfednys. A wrüga vy gweles dallath an vledhen? Na wrüg! My a veu en còsca down. A wrüga vy golya an jedh? Na wrüg. My a fyttyas tosednow Chinek gen kig yar ha skyll fav rag ow hôr wheg ha gwary cartednow dinosâwr gen an maw bian. Nag eus supersticyon veth dhebm (ha nag eus own dhebm rag gwrathes), etho na wrüga vy lâwl " Cònidnas gwydn" na "Pynchya, cronkya, kens dedh a'n mis." A wras vy resolûcyons? Entei. Wrüga vy aga therry solabres? Nantei. My a dal redya, scrifa po tedna pub dedh. Whath ma termyn lowr dhe wil onan anodhans. Lowena, kerenja, sowena ha yehes da dhe'm redyoryon en 2025.
As I am writing this, New Year's Day is almost over. Did I see the start of the year? No! I was fast asleep. Did I celebrate the day? No! I prepared Chinese noodles with chicken for my sister-in-law and played dinosaur cards with the little boy. I have no superstitions (and I'm not scared of witches), so I did not say "White rabbits" nor "Pinch, punch, first day of the month." Did I make resolutions? Of course. Have I broken them already? Of course not. I should read, write or draw every day. There is still enough time to do one of them. Happiness, love, success and good health to my readers in 2025.

Nebes geryow nowydh Some new words
cònidnas rabbits < cònin (m) 
cronkya to punch
dinosâwr (m) dinosaur
golya to celebrate
gwrathes ~ gwrahes witches < gwrath ~ gwragh (f)
kig yar (m) chicken meat
pynchya to pinch
skyll fav beansprouts
sowena ~ soweneth (f) success
tosednow Chinek Chinese noodles
yehes (m) health