Friday 23 August 2024

2024 Day 236

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Whetek warn Ügens

De Gwener, tryja warn ügens mis Est

Friday, 23rd August

Pele ma 'gan Loor? My a wor hedna. Ma resegva dhe 'gan Loor adro dhe'n Norves. Terweythyow nei a wel low an Howl dastewydnys dhort an Loor. Bes pele ma 'gan Howl? Ma'n Howl en cres System a'n Howl ha ma resegva dhen (war an Norves) adro dhe'n Howl. Nei a gav an Howl derag kilva (keynledn) a radnow an brâster deffrans. Nei a wel an Howl en termyn a'n jedh ha'n constellacyons e'n termyn nos. Thera nei ow radna anjei tredh dewdhek "chei" rag an Zodiak. De an Howl a wrüg gara an pempes chei, henwys an Lew hag entra e'n wheffes chei. An kensa dedh a'n Werhes ew hedhyw.  

Where is our Moon? I know that. Our Moon has an orbit around the Earth. Sometimes we see the light of the Sun reflected from the Moon. But where is our Sun? The Sun is in the centre of the Solar System and we (on Earth) have an orbit around the Sun. We find the Sun in front of a background (a "backdrop") of different constellations. We see the Sun in the daytime and the constellations during the night. We share them between twelve "houses" for the Zodiac. Yesterday the Sun left the fifth house, called Leo, and entered the sixth house. Today is the first day of Virgo.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

derag in front of, before

en termyn a'n jedh in the daytime

e'n termyn nos during the night

keynledn (f) backdrop

kilva (f) background

an Lew Leo, the Lion

Norves Earth

radn an brâster (m) constellation, part of the universe

resegva (f) orbit, course

an Werhes Virgo, the Virgin, the Maiden

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