Wednesday 21 August 2024

2024 Day 234

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Peswardhek warn Ügens

De Merher, kensa warn ügens mis Est 

Wednesday, 21st August

Nanj ew termyn hir na wrüga vy gweles an ebòrn nos. Thera cloudys. E veu loor leun ha na wrüga vy hy gweles. Gwenjek ew hei hedhyw, saw na wrüg an gwens whetha an cloudys dhe ves. Garow ew an mor. My ell gweles an mordarth ha todnow en pelder. Ow theylû eth dhe'n treth, saw nag ew jorna da rag derevel castilly treth po neyja. Da via genam gweles ster ha loor leun, bes gwell via genam gweles nebes howl. Scon e vedh kidnyadh bes my a venja cawas temmik hav moy. 

I haven't seen the night sky for a long time. There were clouds. There was a full moon and I didn't see it. It is windy today, but the wind didn't blow the clouds away. The sea is rough. I can see the surf and waves in the distance. My family went to the beach, but it's not a good day for building sandcastles or swimming. I'd like to see stars and a full moon, but I'd prefer to see some sun. Soon it will be autumn but I would like to have a little bit more summer.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

castilly treth sand castles

da via genam I would like

derevel to build, raise

dhe ves away

ebòrn nos night sky

garow rough

gwell via genam I would rather, I'd prefer

loor leun (f) full moon

ster (coll.) stars

whetha to blow

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