Friday 16 August 2024

2024 Day 229

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Naw warn Ügens

De Gwener, whetegves mis Est

Friday, 16th August

Ma nebes geryow e'n tavas Kernôwek gen lies styr. Martesen an moyha aswonys ew "glas". My ell leverel "glas" ew an mor hedhyw. Hedhyw, thew hebma gwir. My a'n gwelas, en spladnder an howl, gen ebòrn digomol. Nanj ew eth dedh an mor o "glas" ha'n ebòrn o gorherys, comolek. Oll an reden ha'n idhyow reb an trolergh ew "glas". Plansow ew glasneth. Bes gwrewgh mires orth an trolergh. "Brith" ew ev gen howlsplan. Henn ew ger moy gen lies styr.

There are several words in the Cornish language with many meanings. Perhaps the most familiar is "glas". I can say the sea is "blue" today. Today, this is true. I saw it, in sunshine, with a cloudless sky. Eight days ago the sea was "grey" and the sky was overcast, cloudy. All the ferns and ivy by the footpath are "green". Plants are greenery. But look at the footpath. It is "brith" with sunshine. That is another word with many meanings.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

an moyha the most

aswonys ~ ajwonys known, familiar, recognised

brith dappled, mottled, speckled, streaked, etc. 

comolek cloudy (SWFM komolek)

digomol cloudless

ebòrn (f) sky (SWFM ebron)

glas blue, grey, green

gorherys overcast, covered

spladnder an howl ~ howlsplan (m) sunshine

styr (m) meaning, sense, significance 

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