2024 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens hag Onan
Monday, 7th October
Puppres ma meur a wens en Kernow, rag hedna ma nebes geryow rag an awel. Gwenjek ew an gewer hedhyw, ha ma lies tra ow codha dhe'n dor dhort gwedh. Nag ew puptra dhort gwedhen. Ma plüven golobmen coos gwydn. Ma'n del war an gwedh ow tallath treylya liw. Nebes ew brith. Nebes anodhans ew moy marow avel an re erel. Barren vian a wrüg dibarha dhort derowen (saw nag eus mesen warnedhy). An aval pin ew dhort pinbren vy. Pub tra ew gleb, drefen bos glaw lowr en Kernow ewedh!
There's always a lot of wind in Cornwall, therefore there are several words for the wind/weather. The weather today is windy, and many things are falling down from trees. Not everything is from a tree. There's a white wood pigeon's feather. The leaves on the trees are beginning to turn colour. Some are mottled. Some of them are more dead than the others. A little twig broke off from an oak tree (but there is no acorn on it). The pine cone is from my pine tree. Everything is wet because there's also plenty of rain in Cornwall.
Geryow rag hedhyw Words for today
an re erel the others
awelek ~ awelyk windy, stormy < awel (f) wind, weather > enawel (f) storm
barren (f) twig, small branch
brith mottled, dappled, spotted, etc.
colobmen coos (f) wood pigeon (no mutation)
derowen (f) oak tree
gwenjek ~ gwynjek ~ gwynsek windy < gwens ~ gwyns (m) wind
kewer (f) weather
mesen (f) acorn
plüven (f) feather
puppres ~ pup pres always, continually
puptra ~ pub tra everything