Tuesday 13 August 2024

2024 Day 226

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Whegh warn Ügens

De Meurth, terdhegves mis Est

Tuesday, 13th August

De Sül nei a welas gwarier ow codha dhort to. Hedna veu rag agan didhan - ha saw o ev drefen bos linen sawder dhodho. Bes nag ew sport heb antel. Crambloryon ell codha dre wall, rag hedna ma linen sawder dhodhans. Ma padn bras po neppeth a'n par-na a-dhelher dhe'n ûghlam. Nag eus whans dhe redoryon a godha, saw terweythyow nei a wel aga trebüchya. Nag ew hedna didhanüs. Marhoges alja kelly hy omborth ha codha dhort hy margh (po beyk). Ha ma lies droglam, brâs ha bian.

On Sunday we saw an actor falling from a roof. That was for our amusement and he was safe because he had a safety line. But sport is not without danger. Climbers can fall accidentally, so they have a safety line. There is a big pad or something like that behind the high jump. Runners do not want to fall, but sometimes we see them trip. That is not amusing. A rider could lose her balance and fall off her horse (or bike). And there are many accidents, big and small.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

antel (f) danger

crambloryon climbers < crambler (m)

didhan (m) amusement, fun > didhanüs 

dre wall accidentally

droglam (m) accident, crash

gwarier (m) actor

marhoges (f) equestrian, rider

omborth ~ omborh (m) balance, equilibrium

padn (m) pad

sawder (m) safety < saw safe

trebüchya to trip, stumble, totter

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