Saturday 31 August 2024

2024 Day 244

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Dogens ha Pajar

De Sadorn,  üdnegves warn ügens mis Est

Saturday, 31st August

Ew hedhyw dedh specyal? An diwettha dedh a hav meteorologieth ewa. Ew ev an diwedh hav? A vedh hedhyw an diwettha dedh a gewer havek? Ma kidnyadh meteorologieth ow tallath avorow. A wren nei gweles nebes deffrans? My a'n dout! Solabres ma gwelys genam sinys kidnyavek. Ma reden ow treylya melyn. Ma del marow war an trolergh redenek hag en keow, keth ew an gwedh whath delyek. Da via genam cuntel an mor dû na, saw re ûhel ens. Da via an gwywer cuntel know, saw gellys ens - debrys solabres! Ew da ganjo mor dû?

Is today a special day? It's the last day of meteorological summer. Is it the end of summer (summer's end)? Will today be the last day of summery weather? Meteorological autumn starts tomorrow. Will we see any difference? I doubt it! Already I have seen autumnal signs. Ferns are turning yellow. There are dead leaves on the ferny path and in the hedges, although the trees are still leafy. I'd like to pick those blackberries, but they are too high. The squirrel would like to gather nuts, but they are gone - already eaten! Does it like blackberries?

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

an diwettha the last (goes before the noun)

cuntel to gather, pick

delyek ~ delek leafy < del (coll.) leaves

diwedh (m) end

havek ~ avel hav summery < hav (m)

keth although, though

kidnyavek autumnal < kidnyadh (m)

nebes any, some

redenek ferny < reden (coll.) ferns, bracken

solabres already

Friday 30 August 2024

2024 Day 243

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Dogens ha Trei

De Gwener, degves warn ügens mis Est

Friday, 30th August 

Nanj ew etek bledhen Fran Brown, fysiotherapydhes dhort Truru, a veu electrisyen a wòlowow en gwariva en Loundres. Nena hei a godhas dhe'n dor - whetek trooshes dhort skeyl - ha shyndya hy hodna. Pehen sport alja bos gwres gen benyn efreg? Gen determyans brâs hei a sayas nebes - crambla, triathlon, diwrosya. Lebmyn, òtta hei gen hy diwros en Gwariow Paralympyk en Paris.

Eighteen years ago Fran Brown, a physiotherapist from Truro, was a lighting technician in a theatre in London. Then she fell down - sixteen feet from a ladder - and damaged her neck. What sort of sport can be done by a handicapped woman? With great determination she tried several - climbing, triathlon and cycling. Now, here she is with her bicycle at the Paralympic Games in Paris.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

codha to fall > a godhas (preterite)

codna (m) neck (c>h after hy)

determyans (m) determination, resolution

electrisyen (m) electrician

fysiotherapydhes (f) physiotherapist

gòlow (m) light  

gwariva (f) theatre

pehen what sort of, what kind (< pe ehen)

shyndya to injure, damage

skeyl (f) ladder

trooshes (m) foot (length)

Thursday 29 August 2024

2024 Day 242

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Dewgens ha Dew

De Yow, nawves warn ügens Mis Est

Thursday, 29th August

Wòja gwerryans ha wòja droglabmow ma pup pres tüs vrowys. Terweythyow ma nebonan genys gen efredhder (disabylita). Clojy Stoke Mandeville a dhallathas cawas kesstrivow sportys rag clevyon efredhek (sethorieth en kensa, gen peswardhek den ha diw venyn en cadoryow-ros). Endelna An vyans Paralympyk a veu genys.  De Sadorn, pajwora warn ügens mis Est, diw dorchen a veu anowys, dhe vos degys dhe'n Gwariow Paralympyk en Paris. War an diwedh, woja kesres a, martesen, dewdhek cans deger, an torchednow a wrüg anowy an Câwdarn Olympyk arta, en Ceremony Egery. Lebmyn ma lies moy es whetek kesstriver.    

After warfare and after accidents there are always casualties. Sometimes someone is born with a disability (handicap). Stoke Mandeville Hospital began to have sporting competitions for disabled patients (archery at first, with 14 men and 2 women in wheelchairs). Thus the Paralympic Movement was born. On Saturday, 24th August, two torches were lit, to be carried to the Paralympic Games in Paris. Finally, after more torches and a series of, perhaps 1200 bearers, the torches lit the Olympic Cauldron again, in the Opening Ceremony. Now there are many more than sixteen competitors.

Deg? ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

anowys lit, ignited

clevyon patients < clav sick > clojy (m) hospital

efredhder (m) disability

efregyon handicapped or disabled person < efreg (m) > efreges (f) > efregesow

endelna thus, so, like that

genys born

gwerryans (m) warfare

kesstrivow < kesstrif (m) competition, contest > kesstriver (m) competitor

sethorieth (f) archery

torchen (f) burning torch

tüs vrowys casualties < den browys (m) injured man > benyn vrowys (f) > benenes browys

Wednesday 28 August 2024

2024 Day 241

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Dogens ha Wonan

De Merher, ethves warn ügens mis Est

Wednesday, 28th August

Ma kevys genam daralla rag flehes scrifys genam nanj ew lies bledhen. E veu othom dhebm a chanjya oll an spellyans! Lebmyn nag eus dhebm termyn lowr she scrifa neppeth aral. Rag hedna, òtta kensa radn an daralla. Eus olifans gwydn gwir e'n daralla, en neb le? Martesen! E vedh gever, mergh ha cònidnas, en certan.  

I have found a story for children I wrote many years ago. I had to change all the spelling! Now I don't have enough time to write anything else. Therefore, here's the first part of the story. Is there a real white elephant in the story, somewhere? Perhaps! There will be goats, horses and rabbits, certainly.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

I had to invent geverjy goat-house, goat shed on the basis of similar words:

bôwjy (m) cowshed, cow-house

colomjy (m) pigeon-house

keunjy (m) kennel, dog-house

And here are some words around buying and selling: (th is often silent, and may be reduced to h)

bos gwerthys to be sold

dhe wertha for sale

gwerth (m) sale

gwertha  to sell

perna to buy

bos pernys to be bought

1. Dallath Daralla 

“Ma othom dhebm a olifans gwydn.” I need a white elephant. 

Lev ow hôr Rosa ew hedna. That is the voice of my sister Rosa. 

“Gwra gofen orth dha dhama wydn.” Ask your grandmother. 

Lev agan dama ew hedna. That is the voice of our mother. 

Ma hei ow cosôwes bes hanter ort Rosa. Hanter hy rach ew kemerys gen caletter aral. Fatel ell hei gwitha agan broder bian dhort towla brodnyon ort an gath. Ma dhodho gallos marthys rag nebonan nag ew bes trei bloodh coth. She is only half listening to Rosa. Half of her attention is taken with another problem. How can she stop our little brother throwing porridge at the cat. He has wonderful skill for someone who is only three years old. 

“Prag a venjes ta olifans gwydn, poran?” Why would you like a white elephant, exactly? 

Henn ew agan sira, pup pres den heweres. That is our father, always helpful man. 

“Rag an gwerth olifans gwydn en fer an scol, entei. Rag fra ken?” For the white elephant sale at the school fair, of course. Why else? 

“Drog ew genam, chîl vian, dhe egery dha lagajow, bes nag ew gwerth olifans gwydn rag gwertha olifanjes gwydn.”  I’m sorry, darling, to disillusion you, but a white elephant sale is not for selling white elephants. 

“Nag eram ow convedhes.” Ma mir trûan dhe Rosa. don’t understand. Rosa is looking sad. 

Olifanjes gwydn ew taclow nag eus whans anodhans dhe düs na velha.” White elephants are things that people no longer want. 

An taclow henwys atal gen Mabm?” The things Mum calls rubbish? 

“Nantei. Anjei ell bos da lowr, bes na ell tüs cavas ûs vetholl ragtans.” Definitely not. They can be O.K. , but people can’t find any use for them at all. 

“My alja ûsya olifans gwydn.” I could use a white elephant. 

“Ma taclow ew destnys dhe vos olifanjes gwydn. Pernys ens ha wòja hedna thens res dhe ves, dhe vos gwerthys arta. Thens radn an economiedh.” There are things that are destined to be white elephants. They are bought and after that they are given away, to be sold again. They are part of the economy.  

“Na whath, penag oll vo anjei, ma othom dhebm a onan anodhans. Eus olifans gwydn dhis?” However, whatever they might be, I need one of them. Do you have a white elephant?” 

Lebmyn ma geryow Tas ow tasseny geryow Mabm. Now Dad’s words echo Mum’s words. 

“Gwra gofen orth dha dhama wydn.” Ask your grandmother. 

Thera nei ow mos, rag hedna, Rosa ha vy, dhe’n chei bian agan dama wydn en ogas; 

Therefore, we are going, Rosa and I, to our grandmother’s little house nearby: 

a-dreus pras an gever, dres an rew a wedh Nadelik, dres geverjy ha gweythva e’n lowarth, ha bys e’n daras kegin agan dama wydn. 

across the goats’ field, past the row of Christmas trees, past a goathouse and workshop in the garden, and up to our grandmother’s kitchen door. 

Tuesday 27 August 2024

2024 Day 240

2024 Dedh Dew Cans ha Dewgens

De Meurh, seythves warn ügens mis Est

Tuesday, 27th August

Nei ell trouvya an daralla Jôwan Chei a Hordh en nebes vercyons. Scrifys veu an kensa, en Kernôwek Diwedhes, gen Nicholas Boson, marchant puskes dhort Lulyn. An nessa a veu leverys dhe Edward Lhuyd gen John Boson (mab Nicholas). Venten a bris ens rag an tavas moy diwedhes. Rag fra ma treylyansow en KK ha KS? Nag ew an daralla y hònan meur dhe les. Thew daralla keswlasek. Rag fra wrüg Boson dewis an daralla ma? Ma darallys erel lowr. Saw  aljava bos a bris? Ellen nei redya tredh an linednow? E'n daralla ma nebes poyntys a skians. An kensa: "Na wrewgh gara an vorr (fordh) goth rag an vorr (fordh) nowydh." Sevys o Nicholas dres an rayn Metêrn Charles I. Tho hedna y "vorr goth". Nena thera bresel tredh Metêrn ha Senedh. An Metêrn a veu gòrrys dhe'n mernans ha'n wlas a dreylyas Poblegeth. "Vorr nowydh" Boson a veu hedna. Nag o Protestantieth extrem meurgerys gen Kernôwyon. War an diwedh an Restoryans a dhros Metêrn nowydh (Metêrn Charles II).  Devedhys tre veu an "vorr goth" ha Boson a scrifas an daralla. An diwettha linen: ... "ha na veu üdn froth na miken na tra war an norves". Sür o vy dr'o hedna whans Boson ewedh.  


We can find the story of John of Ram's House in several versions. The first, in Late Cornish, was written by Nicholas Boson, a fish merchant from Newlyn. The second was told to Edward Lhuyd by John Boson (Nicholas's son). They are an important source for the later language. Why are there translations into Common Cornish and Standard Cornish? The story itself is not very interesting. It is an international story. Why did Boson choose this story? There are plenty of others. But could it be important? Can we read between the lines? In the story there are several points of wisdom. The first: "Do not leave the old way/road for the new way/road." Nicholas was raised during the reign of King Charles I. That was his "old way". Then there was conflict between King and Parliament. The King was executed and the land became a Republic. That was Boson's "new way". Extreme Protestantism was not popular with Cornish people. Eventually, the Restoration brought a new king (King Charles II). The "old way" had come back and Boson wrote the story. The last line: ... "and there was not one disagreement nor animosity nor anything in the world." I'm sure that was Boson's wish, too.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

a bris important

bresel (m) conflict, dispute

daralla (m) story, tale, yarn, fable

dhe les interesting, advantageous, beneficial

gwlas (f) land, kingdom, country

keswlasek international

poblegeth (f) republic

Protestantieth (f) Protestantism

skians (m) wisdom

venten ~ fenton (f) source, origin

vercyon (m) version

Monday 26 August 2024

2024 Day 239

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Nawnjek warn Ügens

De Lün, wheffes warn ügens mis Est

Monday, 26th August

Termyn hir thera drog hanow dhe'n bobel a Gernow. Ma dhen devyn dhort Adam de Carleton e'n vledhen terdhek cans dogens ha dew ha ev owth omdedna avel Arhdiagon Kernow. "An bobel an parthow ma," emedh ev, "ew dres kinda!" (O anjei coynt?) Nag era keslavürya et aga gnas. Tho anjei "avlethys e'n fas a attentys dhe dhesky ha owna". Âwtorita nag o da gen an Kernôwyon. Meur o aga galarow et aga rebellyansow moy diwedhes. Lies cans a düs, Kernôwegoryon, a veu ledhys. 

For a long time the people of Cornwall had a bad reputation. We have a quotation from Adam de Carleton in the year 1342 as he resigned as Archdeacon of Cornwall. "The folk of these parts," he said, "are extraordinary!" (Were they strange?) It was not in their nature to cooperate. They were "obdurate in the face of attempts to teach and correct". The Cornish people did not like authority. They suffered greatly in their later rebellions. Many hundreds of men, Cornish speakers, were killed.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

attentys attempts < attent (m)

avlethys obdurate, inflexible

âwtorita (m) authority

devyn (m) quote, quotation

diagon (m) deacon 

dres kinda ~ dres ehen extraordinary

drog hanow (m) bad reputation, bad name

galarow suffering, pains

gnas (m) nature, characteristic, temperament

omdedna to resign, retire, withdraw

pobel (f) folk, people

Sunday 25 August 2024

2024 Day 238

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Etek warn Ügens

De Sül, pempes warn ügens mis Est

Sunday, 25th August

Aswonys en laha ew an Kernôwyon avel minorita kenedhlek, saw nag eus meur a weres dhort governans a'n cres. Nag ew  tra veth nowydh an ombla rag an natûr enwejek a Kernow ha'n Kernôwyon. E'n pemdhegves cansbledhen ha whetegves cansbledhen e veu pajar sevyans e'n West, onan anodhans en Pennryn - Kernôwek bedn Sowsnek, gwesyon vian bohojek bedn pednsevigyon rych. Nag era whans dhe'n bobel a chânjyans cryjyk. Ma men cov en Pennryn rag an Rebellyans Lever Pejadow.   

The Cornish people are now recognised in law as a national minority, but there is not much help from central government. The struggle for the distinctiveness of Cornwall and the Cornish people is nothing new. In the fifteenth century and the sixteenth century there were four uprisings in the West, one of them in Penryn - Cornish language versus English language, poor underlings against a rich elite. The people did not want religious change. There is a memorial in Penryn for the Prayer Book Rebellion.  

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

bohojek poor

cryjyk religious

governans a'n cres (m)

gwesyon vian underlings < gwas bian (m)

an Kernôwyon the Cornish people

laha (f) law

natûr enwejek (m) distinctiveness

ombla (m) struggle, fight, etc.

pednsevigyon (pl.) elite

sevyans (m) uprising, revolt

Saturday 24 August 2024

2024 Day 237

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Seytek warn Ügens

De Sadorn pajwora war ügens mis Est

Saturday, 24th August

My a redyas daralla dhe les adro dhe bloum. En termyn eus passyes thera Breten ow qwerrya bedn Frenk. Thera keffresyans dhen gen Portûgal. Onan a 'ga gorholyon a dheuth bys en Dowr Fala. Thera nebes ploumednow dres gen an varners dhe dhebry. Towlys mes a'n gorhel a veu an spüs. War neb coor anjei a dhüryas an dowr sal ha tevy dhe wedh ploum war ladn an dowr. Lebmyn ma whath dhe Arlòdh Falmeth jarn ploum a'n ploum Ke ma. Bian ens ha trenk rag debry bes da ens rag jamm ker. Bledhydnyow alebma thera tir ledan ha lies den whel dhe Arlòdh Falmeth. Anjei a wrüg debry y bloum ewedh ha towla dhe ves an spüs. Lebmyn nei a wel ploumbrednyer Ke ow cüdha en keow coth pel dhort an Dowr Fala. Nag eus onan en Portûgal na moy bes ma onan coth dhe vy et ow lowarth, e'n ke, gen bohes ploum!

I read an interesting story about plums. In a past time Britain was waging war against France. We had an alliance with Portugal. One of their ships came to the River Fal. The sailors had brought some plums to eat. The stones were thrown overboard. Somehow they survived the salt water and grew into plum trees on the river bank. Now Lord Falmouth still has a plum orchard of these Kea plums. They are small and sour for eating but they are good for expensive jam. Years ago Lord Falmeth had extensive land and many workers. They also ate his plums and threw away the stones. Now we see Kea plum trees hiding in old hedges far from the River Fal. There isn't one in Portugal any more but I have an old one in my garden, in the hedge, with few plums!

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

Breten ~ Bretayn Great Britain

dhe les interesting

Dowr Fala River Fal

en termyn eus passyes in a past time

Frenk ~ Frynk France

gorholyon ships < gorhel (m)

gwerrya to wage war > ow qwerrya

keffresyans (m) alliance, federation

mes a'n gorhel overboard

ploum Ke Kea plums

spüsen (f) fruit stone < (coll.) spüs