Monday 17 June 2024

2024 Day 169

2024 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Naw

De Lün, seytegves mis Efen

Monday, 17th June

Chânjya chei ew hülla, hendres drog. Ma mos dhe jei behatna ow menya na ellama kemeres keniver tra genam. Towlel taclow dhe ves ew calish ragam. Hedhyw, de Lün, ew an jedh rag cuntel agan scòllyon ha dasûsyans. My a wrüg lenel sagh brâs gen lies folen baper - notednow dhort lies bledhen a dhesky ha scrifa. Thera lies nôten en scrifa-compòster Kernôwek coth - ken "Furv Skrifys Savonek" (FSS) - heb ûs lebmyn. Bes na wrüga vy towlel dhe ves an notednow rag ow levrow - my alja aga treylya en Kernôwek FSS!

Moving house is a screaming nightmare, a bad dream. Going to a smaller house means I cannot take everything with me. Throwing things away is hard for me. Today, Monday, is the day for our rubbish and recycling collection. I filled a big bag with many sheets of paper - notes from many years of teaching and writing. There were many notes in old Cornish orthography - before the "Standard Written Form" (SWF) - no use now. But I did not throw away the notes for my books - I could translate them into SWF Cornish!

Deg ger rag hedhyw. Ten words for today

folen ~ volen (f) sheet (paper)

hendres (m) dream

hülla (m) screaming nightmare (dialect hilla)

keniver tra everything (can also use puptra)

lenel to fill (SWFM lenwel)

leur dasûsya (m) recycling centre

leur scòllyon (m) waste centre

notednow notes < nôten (f) 

scòllyon (pl.) waste, rubbish, trash, etc.

scrifa-compòster (m) orthography, spelling

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