Sunday 30 June 2024

2024 Day 182

2024 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens ha Dew

De Sül, degves warn ügens mis Efen

Sunday, 30th June 

Diwedh an mis ewa hedhyw. Hanter an vledhen ew gellys. Nag eus bes dew vis moy a hav dhe dhos, ha nena e vedh kidnyadh. Hedhyw, thera kefewy havek rag agan flehes wydn. Pur vewek ens. Da ew ganjans bos  a-warra (a-wartha) dhe wòles e'n ayr (war drampolin) po dadn an dowr en kibel dòbm. Terweythyow, ma nebonan nag ew lowen. Bes croust ew medhakneth rag pubonan. (Nag era tra veth rag gullys war an to!)

It's the end of the month today. Half of the year has gone. There are only two more summer months to come, and then it will be autumn. Today there was a summery party for our grandchildren. They are very lively. They like being upside down in the air (on a trampoline) or under the water in a hot tub. Sometimes, there is someone who is not happy. But a picnic is good medicine for everyone. (There was nothing for gulls on the roof.)

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

a-warra dhe wòles upside down

bewek lively, active > pur vewek

bledhen (f) year > an vledhen

croust (m) picnic (SWFM kroust)

havek summery

kefewy (m) party

kibel (f) tub

kidnyadh (m) autumn

medhakneth (m) medicine, tonic

trampolin (m) trampoline > war drampolin

Saturday 29 June 2024

2024 Day 181

2024 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens ha Wonan

De Sadorn, nawes warn ügens mis Efen

Saturday, 29th June

Pandr'ew mis da rag flourys? Ew mis Efen an gwelha? Gellys ew oll flourys wheg an gwenton. Radn anodhans ew denty. Lies bleujen lebmyn, en hav, ew creffa. Ma lies flour saw na wrüga vy gweles lies tycky-Duw hedhyw. My a glowas gwenen e'n wedhen ma, leun a flourys gwydn. Thera anjei ûhel e'n scorednow, etho na aljama aga gweles.  Anjei alja bos qwilkioresow  (gohy)! Gwell ew genam gwenen. Skejwedhen vrâs ew hei. Rag fra üjy hei obma, reb trolergh ow ledya dhe velyn goth, gen prasow glas a-derdro? Herwedh ûsadow nei a wel skejwedh avel keow lowarthow, trehys compes. My a welas flourys gwydn erel reb an vorrow (fordhow) - cala gwyly po kerenja, my a grej.  Thera meur anodhans. 


What is a good month for flowers? Is June the best. All sweet flowers of the spring are gone. Some of them are dainty. Many flowers now, in summer, are more robust. There are lots of flowers but I didn't see many butterflies today. I heard bees in this tree, full of white flowers. They were high in the branches, so I couldn't see them. They could be wasps! I prefer bees. It's a big privet bush. Why is it here, by a footpath leading to an old mill, with green meadows all around? Usually we see privet as garden hedges, neatly trimmed. I saw other white flowers by the roads - bedstraw or sweethearts, I believe. There were lots of them.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

a-derdro all around

an gwelha the best < gwell better

bos gwell gen ... to prefer (be better with ...)

cala gwyly bedstraw (Galium)

creffa stronger, more robust < crev (SWFM kreffa < krev)

denty dainty, delicate

ledya to lead

prasow meadows < pras (m)

scorednow branches < scorren (f)

skejwedh (coll.) privet > skejwedhen (f)

Friday 28 June 2024

2024 Day 180

2024 Dedh Cans ha Pajar Ügens

De Gwener, ethves warn ügens mis Efen

Friday, 28th June

Terweythyow thew an gewer re dòbm raga vy. Ow crohen ew re vlemm ha my a lesk re esy. Da via genam bos nebes liwys gen an howl, bes na vadna vy bos howlleskys. Ma othom dhebm a'n vitamin D bes na via da bos cowlleskys! Ma bestes erel na venja bos cowlleskys. Trigys ens en cocounys scroffek a whethfiansow an dowr en eythinen. Henwys ew "trefyas an gog", saw nag eus gog dhe vos gwelys na clowys, ha nag ew trefyas. Da ew ganjans an niwl dhort an mor. My ewedh! Er ew.

Sometimes the weather is too hot for me. My skin is too pale and I burn too easily. I'd like to be somewhat suntanned (coloured by the sun), but I will not be sunburnt.  I need the vitamin D but it wouldn't be good to be burnt up! There are other animals that wouldn't like to be burnt up. They live in frothy cocoons of bubbles in a gorse bush. It's called "cuckoo spit", but there is no cuckoo to be seen or heard, and it is not spit. They like the mist from the sea. Me too! It is fresh.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

clowys heard (SWFM klewys)

cocounys cocoons < cocoun (m)

cowlleskys burnt up (SWFM kowlleskys)

crohen (f) skin, hide, etc. (SWFM kroghen)

howlleskys sunburnt, tanned

re dòbm too hot < tòbm (SWFM tomm)

re vlemm too pale, pallid < blemm

scroffek frothy

trefyas an gog (m) cuckoo spit

whethfiansow an dowr bubbles

Thursday 27 June 2024

2024 Day 179

2024 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Nawnjek 

De Yow, seythves warn ügens mis Efen

Thursday, 27th June 

Thera ostyjy yonk dhen de Merher, dew flogh ha dew vest. Thera mos (mowes) vrâs ha cosel gen kei brâs ha whar, ha maw bian ha bew gen gast vian ha müscok. Thera blew hir dhe'n vos vrâs ha blew berr ha smodh dhe hy hei hei. Thera blew berr dhe'n maw bian, saw thera blew hir ha crüllyes dh'y gei. Nei a gerdhas (reb an mòngleudh overdevys) gen agan keun - an düs yonk gen aga heun yonk, ha my (benyn goth) gen ow hei coth. Anjei o üskis, saw tho vy syger. Res veu dhodhans agan gòrtos. 

We had young guests of Wednesday, two children and two animals. There was a big quiet girl with a big placid dog, and a small lively boy with a crazy little bitch. The big girl had long hair and her dog short, smooth hair. The small boy had short hair, but his dog had long curly hair. We walked (by the overgrown quarry) with our dogs - the young people with their young dogs, and me (an old woman) with my old dog. They were fast, but we were slow. They had to wait for us.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

blew (coll.) hair, fur, etc.

crüllyes curly

gast (f) bitch

gòrtos to wait (for)

müscok crazy, mad, etc.

ostyjy guests, visitors < ostyas (m)

smodh smooth

sygür slow

üskis quick, fast, rapid

whar placid, mild, etc.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

2024 Day 178

2024 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens hag Etek

De Merher, wheffes warn ügens mis Efen

Wednesday, 26th June

Skith o vy hedhyw, etho na ellama scrifa blogg hir. Seythen Clappya Kernôwek ew hei e'n seythen ma. Ew gwelys genowgh agan poster? Ma lies vorrow dhe leverel "Hello". Da ew genam "Durdadhawhei" ha "Dursona dhewgh" ow hònan. Ello whei remembra agan poster an vledhen eus tremenys? Ero whei leverel an geryow own hedhyw? Wressa whei leverel an geryow na kens lebmyn?

I am tired today, so I can't write a long blog. It's Speak Cornish Week this week. Have you seen our poster? There are many ways of saying "Hello". I like "God give you a good day" and "God bless you!" myself. Can you remember our last year's poster? Are you saying the right words today? Did you say those words before now?

Naw ger rag hedhyw Nine words for today

an vledhen eus tremenys last year (SWFM warlena)

clappya to talk, speak (a language), chatter (SWFM klappya)

dursona (Duw re  sòna)  God bless

kens lebmyn before now, hitherto, previously, already, etc. (SWFM kens lemmyn)

Kernôwek Cornish language < Kernow Cornwall

ow hònan myself

own correct, right

poster (m) poster (SWFM skrisel)

skith ~ sqwith tired (SWFM skwith)

Tuesday 25 June 2024

2024 Day 177

2024 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Seytek

De Meurth, pempes warn ügens mis Efen

Tuesday, 25th June

Ma yeyn nowodhow dhen hedhyw. Trûan oma dhe scrifa hebma. Golow spladn an tavas Kernowek ew devüdhys. Ma coll brâs dhe nei. Mina Dresser a verwas de. Bardhes an Orsedh, benyn a vry o hei e'n derevyans Kernôwek Diwedhes. Cowethes ha deskybel Richard Gendall o hei, ha hei a wrüg hy gwelha dhe radna y skians ha descasow. Ogas dhe ügens bledhen kens lebmyn Mina ha cowethesow, gwiskys avel metydhyon bal, era en Redrüdh owth argemedna an tavas ha'n Cussül an Tavas Kernôwek. Dedhyow da ens, ow tesky Kernôwek gen Mina.

We have bad news today. I am sad to write this. A bright light of the Cornish language is extinguished. We have a great loss. Mina Dresser died yesterday. A Bard of the Gorsedd, she was a significant woman in the Late Cornish revival. She was a friend and student of Richard Gendall, and she did her best to share his knowledge and teachings. Nearly twenty years ago Mina and friends, dressed as bal maidens, were in Redruth advertising the language and the Cornish Language Council. They were good days, learning Cornish with Mina. 

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

an Orsedh the Gorsedd

argemedna to advertise

a vry significant

coll brâs (m) great loss

derevyans (m) revival

descasow teachings < descas (m)

diwedhes late

skians (m) knowledge, wisdom

trûan sad, sorrowful

yeyn nowodhow bad news 

Monday 24 June 2024

2024 Day 176

2024 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Whetek

De Lün, pajwora warn ugens mis Efen

Monday, 24th June

Golôwan lowen dhe bub onan. Nag ewa an howlsavla gwir, thew Gool Jôwan Baptyst. Saw hedhyw, nag era vy ow pedery a hav.  My a drouvyas nebes volednow coth a vûsek, pernys nanj ew lies degvledhen - en mòna coth! Dew souls rag "Santa Baby" (cân rag Nadelik), üdn souls ha whegh diner rag "Cuando Calienta el Sol" (pa tòbma an howl), trei souls rag "gerowgh nei dhe godha en kerenja". Ha pemp cân gen Cole Porter rag pemp souls. Hedna veu meur a vòna e'n dedhyow na, saw tho talvys a geniver diner. Piw eus na gar Cole Porter? Nag o va mûsek classek po opera meur. Radn anodho o Latyn American ha standards jazz. Termyn my veu yonk da o genam cana cânow a'n par na en revue po gwary cân Nadelik.  My a ganas "neb dedh ow  prins a wra dos" avel Cinderella. En gwettha pres, nag eus lev dhebm lebmyn. Nep-pres ow lev a wra dos a-dro!

Happy Midsummer to everyone. It's not the true solstice, it's the Feast of St John the Baptist. But today, I was not thinking of summer. I found several old sheets of music, bought many decades ago - in old money! Two shillings for "Santa Baby" (a song for Christmas), one shilling and six pence for "Cuando Calienta el Sol" (when the sun heats up), three shillings for "let's fall in love". And five songs by Cole Porter for five shillings. That was a lot of money in those days, but it was worth every penny. Who does not love Cole Porter? It was not classical music or grand opera. Some of it was Latin-American and jazz standards. When I was young I liked to sing songs of that sort in a revue or panto. I sang "Some day my prince will come" as Cinderella. Sadly, I have no voice now. Sometime my voice will come back!

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

cânow songs < cân (f) (SWFM kanow < kan)

degvledhen (f) decade

diner (m) penny, pence

gerowgh nei dhe let's (SWFM gwren ni dhe)

gwary cân (m) musical (play) > panto

lev (m) or voys (m) voice

mûsek (m) music (m>v)

pernys ~ prenys bought, purchased

souls (m) shilling

volednow sheets < volen (f) (SWFM folennow < folen)

Sunday 23 June 2024

2024 Day 175

2024 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Pemdhek

De Sül, tryja warn ügens mis Efen

Sunday, 23rd June

Res ew dhebm towla neppeth dhe ves! Ma dhebm lies lever termyn ow tòchya oll sortow taclow. Eus othom dhebm a anodhans oll? Dres lycklod, nag eus! Ma "Balweyth Kernow", dew dhyllans. My a vedn kemeres an re na. Ma "Myslexia", dew dhyllans ewedh. Anjei ell mos. Nag eus othom dhebm a's dasredya. E'n bledhydnyow deg ha trei-ügens my a bernas "Creftys", pajar ügens dyllans seythednek hag etek, pemdhek diner warn ügens pub seythen, dhe wil godhoniador. An keth bloodh ens avel ow mergh. Anjei a res gòrtos. Ha na ellama bewa heb art!

I have to throw something away! I have many magazines about all sorts of things. Do I need all of them? Probably, no! There's "Cornish Mining", two issues. I'll keep those. There's "Myslexia", also two issues. They can go. I don't need to reread them. In the Seventies I bought "Crafts", 98 weekly editions, 35 pence per week, to make an encyclopaedia. They are the same age as my daughter. They must stay. And I cannot live without art!

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

balweyth (m) mining, mine work

bledhydnyow deg ha trei-ugens the 70s

creftys crafts < creft ~ craft (m) craft, skill

dres lycklod probably, likely

dyllans (m) edition, issue, publication

godhoniador (m) encyclopaedia

lever termyn (m) magazine, periodical

oll sortow taclow all sorts of things

ow tòchya about, touching

seythednek weekly < seythen (f)

Saturday 22 June 2024

2024 Day 174

2024 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Peswardhek

De Sadorn, nessa warn ügens mis Efen

Saturday, 22nd June 

Terweythyow thew flehes prederüs. Nag ew da ganjans gara aga mabmow. Ma whans dhodhans a vos gen aga damyow. Saw an maw bian ma a veu lôwen dhe dhos gena vy - ûghvam an teylû! Ma va ow trouvya keniver tra dhe les, etho my ell treylya y brederow a-drenewen. Ma va ow kemeres fotos gen ow hamera. Thera nei ow tereylya. Otta vy gen flourys hir, òtta va gen agan kentrevoges ha hy hasek dhû. Kerdh hir ew, etho ma lies tra dhe vos gwelys.

Sometimes children are anxious. They don't like leaving their mums. They want to go with their mothers. But this little boy was happy to come with me - the matriarch of the family! He finds everything interesting, so I can distract his thoughts. He takes photos with my camera. We alternate. Here I am with tall flowers. Here he is with our neighbour and her black mare. It is a long walk, so there are lots of things to be seen.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

casek (f) mare (c>h(SWFM kasek)

damyow mothers < dama (f)

gara to leave (SWFM gasa)

mabmow mums < mabm (f) (SWFM mamm)

prederow thoughts < preder (m) (p>b)

prederüs anxious, worried, thoughtful

tereylya to alternate

teylû (m) family

treylya a-drenewen to distract, turn aside

ûghvam (f) matriarch

Friday 21 June 2024

2024 Day 173

2024 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Terdhek

De Gwener, kensa warn ügens mis Efen

Friday, 21st June

Hedhyw nei a viras a-dro dhe'n park dasqwerth gen agan mab ha y gowethes. Nag era othom dhen agan hònan a dra veth, bes thera whans dhodho a baynt glas rag chambour y vab, ha thera whans dhedhy a vush rosen velyn rag hy lowarth bian. Ma pub sort oll a liwyow paynt en Homebase - lies dewis. Ma lies plans deffrans ewedh. Aga lavender ew gwell avel (ages) aga letherednieth!

Today we looked around the retail park with our son and his partner. We did not need anything ourselves, but he wanted some grey/green/blue paint for his son's bedroom, and she wanted a yellow rose bush for her little garden. There's every possible variety of paint colours in Homebase - many choices. There are many different plants, too. Their lavender is better than their spelling!

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

bos othom dhe ... a...  to need (to be need to ...of...)

bos whans dhe ... a...  to want (to be want to ...of...)

bush (m) bush (b>v)

chambour (m) bedroom

cowethes (f) girlfriend, partner (c>g)

hònan self (with possessive adjective)

mires a-dro dhe to look around

park dasqwerth (m) retail park

paynt (m) paint (p>b)

pub sort oll every possible variety

Thursday 20 June 2024

2024 Day 172

2024 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Dewdhek

De Yow, ügensves mis Efen

Thursday, 20th June

Howlsav Lôwen dhe bub onan. Otta rosen rago whei. Na vedh an jorna avorow hirra avel an jorna hedhyw. An jorna hedhyw a veu an hirra, ha'n nos ma a vedh an cotta. Avorow an nosow a wra dallath treylya hirra. Hedhyw ma'n howl ow spladna a-ûgh Trovan an Canker. Avorow ma va ow tallath mos war tûa'n Keheja an Bes (car dre hevel) ha wòja hedna war tûa Trovan an Aver. An Arctek ew "Tir an Howl Hanternos" - nag eus nos haneth en nos! Ha nag eus tra veth bes nos e'n Antarctek.

Happy Solstice to everyone. Here's a rose for you. The day tomorrow will not be longer than the day today. The day today was the longest, and this night will be the shortest. Tomorrow the nights will begin to get longer. Today the sun shines above the Tropic of Cancer. Tomorrow it starts going towards the Equator (so it seems) and after that towards the Tropic of Capricorn. The Arctic is the "Land of the Midnight Sun" - there is no night tonight! And there is nothing but night in the Antarctic.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

car dre hevel so it seems < (vb.) hevely

cotta shorter > an cotta the shortest (SWFM kotta > an kotta)

dalla ~ dallath to begin

haneth en nos tonight

hanter nos midnight

hirra longer > an hirra the longest

howlsav ~ howlsavla (m) solstice

Keheja an Bes the Equator 

(SWFM Kehysedh an Bys)

spladna to shine (SWFM splanna)

Trovan an Aver the Tropic of Capricorn

Trovan an Canker the Tropic of Cancer  

(SWFM Trovan an Kanker)

wòja hedna after that (SWFM wosa henna)

Wednesday 19 June 2024

2024 Day 171

2024 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Üdnek

De Merher, nawnjegves mis Efen

Wednesday, 19th June

Pandr'ew ger vas rag Kernow hedhyw? Rag an trolergh ma thew an ger "overdevys"! Pur wheg ew sawarn an scawen. E'n gwelha pres nag ewa slotterüs ewedh. Saw, wòja nebes dedhyow heb glaw, bianhes dhe leyj ew an gover ma (po martesen thewa tagys moy ogas dhe'n pedngover). Ma gorlanwes a lasneth war emlow an vorrow (fordhow). Ma hei ow teclînya ha codha war an vorrow.

What's a good word for Cornwall today? For this footpath the word is "overgrown". The scent of the elder is very sweet. Fortunately, it's not muddy as well. But, after several days without rain, this stream is reduced to mud (or perhaps it is choked nearer to the headspring). There is a superabundance of vegetation on the road margins. It is sloping downwards and falling on the road.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

bianhes (or lehes) reduced, lessened

declînya to slope/lean downwards

emlow margins, edges, fringes < amal (mf)

e'n gwelha pres fortunately, luckily (SWFM y'n gwella prys)

glasneth (f) vegetation

gorlanwes (m) superabundance 

leyj (m) mud, slime

pedngover (m) headspring

slotterüs muddy, slimy (dialect slottery)

tagys choked, blocked