Saturday 4 May 2024

2024 Day 125

2024 Dedh Cans ha Pemp warn Ügens

De Sadorn, pajwora mis Me

Saturday, 4th May

Gerowgh nei dhe gawas kerdh cosel. Ma kewer howlek dhen, gerowgh nei dh' enjoya an tòmder. Ma flourys war bub tû, gen whirny medhal gwenen ha terweythyow kelyonen. Ew hedna flour ow neyja e'n ayr? Nag ew. Tycky-Duw gwydn ew, ha ma va ow sedha war flour gwydn. Tòllwiskys ew ev avel kenidnen drehornek! Ello whei y weles e'n foto brâs? My a glowas son wor tû dhelher ke - tros pecar'a bagh daras gossednek - cülyek fesont y hònan. Nena an dohajedh a veu troblys gen jynn. Thera nebonan ow resek beyk-jynn meur y dros adro dhe'n gwelyow arys a-ugh. 

Let's have a quiet walk. We have sunny weather, let's enjoy the warmth. There are flowers in every direction, with the gentle humming of bees and sometimes a fly. Is that a flower flying in the air? No. It's a white butterfly, and it settles on a white flower. It's disguised as a three-cornered leek! Can you see it in the big photo? I heard a sound behind a hedge - a noise like a rusty door hinge - a lonely cock pheasant. Then the afternoon was disturbed by an engine. Someone was racing a very noisy motorbike around the ploughed fields above.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

bagh (m) hinge

gerowgh nei dhe (+ v.n.) let us, let's (SWFM gesowgh ni dhe)

gwenen (col.) bees > gwenenen (f)

kelyonen (f) fly < (col. kelyon)

kerdh (m) walk, stroll

sedha to settle, sit, sink

tòllwiskys disguised

tòmder ~ tòbmder (m) heat, warmth  

war bub tû in every direction

wor tû dhelher behind

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