Friday 3 May 2024

2024 Day 124

2024 Dedh Cans ha Pajar warn Ügens

De Gwener, tryja mis Me

Friday, 3rd May

Nanj ew nebes bledhydnyow thera servis buss pur dha dhe nei. Nei alja kemeres buss dew vildir bys en Peran po deg mildir bys en Truru. Nag era savla buss bes possybyl o dhe haylya buss dhort gòrra mes agas dorn. Tho an gòrroryon pur wheg.   Thera üdn buss pub our, whath e'n gordhûher. Nena an company buss a dreylyas bal-scatt ha'n servis a finsyas. Lebmyn, res ew dhebm kerdhes bys en Peran rag kemeres buss bys en Truru. Hag an buss rüdh brâs ma? Onan pub dedh rag deskyblon scol ha coljy.

Several years ago we had a very good bus service. We could take a bus two miles into Perranporth or ten miles into Truro. There was no bus stop but it was possible to stop a bus by sticking out your hand. The drivers were very kind. There was a bus every hour, even in the evening. Then the bus company became bankrupt and the service finished. Now I must walk to Perranporth to take a bus to Truro. And this big red bus? One a day for school and college students.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

bal-scatt bankrupt (from dialect "busted mine")

bledhydnyow (pl.) year < bledhen (f)

finsya to finish

gordhûher (m) evening

gòrra mes to stick out

gòrroryon (pl) drivers < gòrror (m) 

haylya to hail, call

mildir (m) mile (mutates m>v after dew two)

savla buss (m) bus stop

servis buss (m) bus service

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