Friday 13 September 2024

2024 Day 257

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Seytek ha Dogens

De Gwener, terdhegves mis Gwedngala

Friday, 13th September

Gwener an Terdhegves! Dedh anfüjik? Martesen nag ew an jedh hedhyw feujyk dres ehen, bes nag ewa anfüjik naneyl. Ma'n howl ow spladna. Nag eus bes bohes gwens. My ell seha ow dilhas ha towellys gòlhys war an linen et ow lowarth. Nag eus othom dhebm a sehador. Ha my ell kerdhes gans an kei heb côta stanch brâs po glawlen. My a welas nader margh las ha ma gwibes ow tonsya en gòlowas howl e'n coos. Whath my ell clowes lies gwenenen e'n flourys idhyow. Ha ma spern gwydn adro dhe'n bal coth ow treylya rüdh gen ogan.

A Friday the Thirteenth! An unlucky day? Perhaps the day today is not especially lucky, but it's not unlucky either. The sun is shining. There's only a little wind. I can dry my washed clothes and towels on the line in my garden. I don't need a dryer. And I can walk with my dog without a big raincoat or an umbrella. I saw a green dragonfly and there are gnats dancing in a sunbeam in the wood. I can still hear lots of bees in the ivy flowers. And hawthorns around the old mine are turning red with haws.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

anfüjik unlucky, unfortunate

côta stanch (m) raincoat, mackintosh

dres ehen especially, unusually

feujyk ~ feusyk lucky, fortunate 

glawlen (f) umbrella

gòlhys washed

naneyl neither, either (negative sense)

seha ~ sehy to dry

sehador (m) dryer

terdhegves 13th < terdhek 13 < teyr 3 (f) (notice internal soft mutation k > g) 

towellys ~ towellow towels 

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