Monday 2 September 2024

2024 Day 246

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Dogens ha Whegh

De Lün, nessa mis Gwedngala

Monday, 2nd September

Kidnyadh nag ew sêson an moyha compes. Ma del e'n londrys kekeffres war an dor. E'n gwedh delkyow glas ew kemyskys gen delkyow marow ha has. Ma flourys ha mor dhe wedhros en keth termyn - emesk garednow marow. An ayr ew leun a edhyn -ow cacha gwibes ha parys rag tremena. Terweythyow mons ow powes war neujen. Chicoges ens, my a grej, po martesen gwenely.  

Autumn is not the tidiest season. There are leaves in the launders (gutters) as well as on the ground. In the trees the green leaves are mixed with dead leaves and seeds. Honeysuckle has flowers and berries at the same time - among dead stalks. The air is full of birds - catching insects and ready for migrating. Sometimes they rest on a wire. They're house-martins, I believe, or perhaps swallows.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

chicoges house-martins < chicok (m)

delkyow ~ delyow leaves < del (c) > delen (f)

emesk among

garednow stalks, stems (also trouser legs!)

gwedhros (coll.) honeysuckle 

gwenely swallows

gwibes (coll.) gnats, small insects

kekeffres as well (as)

kemyskys ~ meskys mixed

keth termyn same time, contemporary

londrys gutters, launders (d.) < londer (m)

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