Monday 29 July 2024

2024 Day 211

2024 Dedh Dew Cans hag Üdnek

De Lün, nawes warn ügens mis Gorefen

Monday, 29th July

En kesstrivyansow ma puppres gwaynyoryon (po gwaynyoresow) ha'n remenat, an r'erol. Herwedh ûsadow e vedh powas rag an campyer. E'n Gwariow Olympyk ma medal owr rag an campyer, ha ma medals arhans ha brons rag an nessa ha tryja plasow. An strivoryon ha strivoresow a sav war arethva rag receva aga medals. An medals Paris ew teg, ha ma temmik a'n Tour Eiffel ettans.  

In competitions there are always winners and the rest, the others. Usually there will be a prize for the champion. In the Olympic Games there is a gold medal for the champion, and there are silver and bronze medals for the second and third places. The successful competitors stand on a podium to receive their medals. The Paris medals are beautiful, and they have fragment of the Eiffel Tower in them.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

campyer (m) champion

gwaynyoryon winners < gwaynyer (m) > gwaynyores (f) > gwaynyoresow

herwedh ûsadow usually

kesstrivyansow ~ kesstrivow competitions < kesstrif (m)

plasow ~ plasyow places < plas (m)

powas (m) prize, award

puppres ~ prest always, ever

remenat (m) remainder, rest, leftovers, etc. 

sowyn successful

strivoryon competitors < strivor (m) > strivores (f) > strivoresow

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