2024 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens ha Dewdhek
De Merher, degves mis Gorefen
Wednesday, 10th July
Agan esely senedh a wras aga gòstlow keffres en Kernôwek ha en Sowsnek. Clowys veu agan tavas teg gen oll an bes. Noah Law o Kernow stout. Na veu othom dhodhans a remembra an geryow. Scrifys ens war astel senjys gen ordenary, etho anjei alja aga redya (gen glasses). A vedh senedh agan hònan dhe Gernow en termyn a vedn dos? Martesen e vedh othom dhe nei a hympna kenedhlek. Kerra Kernow gen Richard Gendall (Kernow stout) ew cân pur deg.
Our members of parliament made their pledges in Cornish as well as in English. Our beautiful language was heard by the whole world. Noah Law was a proud Cornishman. They didn't have to remember the words. They were written on a board held by an official, so they could read them (with glasses). Will Cornwall have our own parliament in future? Perhaps we will need a national anthem. "Most Beloved Cornwall" by Richard Gendall (a proud Cornishman) is a very beautiful song.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
astel (f) board
clowys heard
golok-wedrow (pl.) glasses, spectacles
gòstlow pledges < gòstel (m)
keffres ... ha ... ... as well as ...
kenedhlek national
ordenary (m) official
othom (m) need, necessity
senjys held
stout proud, steadfast
This version of the song “Kerra Kernow” by Richard Gendall (ca. 1980)
is from the Cornish National Music Archive (provided by Sue Ellery-Hill)
Here is the link to hear Brenda Wootton singing it.
Kerra Kernow, ha wyth ow holon, ha’n mor adro dhe-jy.
(Most beloved Cornwall, that keeps my heart, and the sea around thee)
Meneth ha logh, carrek hag avon, pupprys y’th caraf-vy.
(Mountain and lake, rock and river, always thee I love).
Py le pynak my a wra mones prest y te whelaf y’th herwyth clos,
(Wherever I do go ever I return close to you).
Rag nyns us par dhe’th tyr plegadow yn le may fynnyf mos.
(For there is no equal to thy land pleasant in place that I may go).
Kerra Kernow, ha wyth ow holon, ha’n mor adro dhe-jy.
(Most beloved Cornwall, that keeps my heart, and the sea around thee)
Meneth ha logh, carrek hag avon, pupprys y’th caraf-vy.
(Mountain and lake, rock and river, always thee I love).
Yth ballow down, ena yth cafaf, yth wythra vysy ha war an cay,
(In thy mines deep, there I thee find, in thy factory busy and on the quay).
Ha war bup tu dha dus caradow a dharbar dhymmo thre.
(And on every side thy people loveable do provide to me home).
Kerra Kernow, ha wyth ow holon, ha’n mor adro dhe-jy.
(Most beloved Cornwall, that keeps my heart, and the sea around thee)
Meneth ha logh, carrek hag avon, pupprys y’th caraf-vy.
(Mountain and lake, rock and river, always thee I love).
Dha henjy owr, dha ballow mellys, dha wel, dha brasow, dha borva wer,
(Thy ways golden, thy downs honeyed, thy tilth, thy meadows, thy pastures green).
Ty yu ow bro ha dhys y trelyaf, Kernow, ow mamvro ger.
(Thou art my country, and to thee I turn, Cornwall, my motherland dear).
Kerra Kernow, ha wyth ow holon, ha’n mor adro dhe-jy.
(Most beloved Cornwall, that keeps my heart, and the sea around thee)
Meneth ha logh, carrek hag avon, pupprys y’th caraf-vy.
(Mountain and lake, rock and river, always thee I love).
This (slightly different) version is from Stoff Kernewek
Kernowek |
| English |
Kerra Kernow ha gwith ow holon
Py le pynag my a wra mones
Kerra Kernow ha gwith ow holon
Y'th balyow down, ena y'th karav
Kerra Kernow ha gwith ow holon
Dha hensyow owr, dha halow mellys
Kerra Kernow ha gwith ow holon
| Beloved Cornwall keeping my heart Mountain and lake, rock and river Wherever I do go Beloved Cornwall keeping my heart In thy deep mines, there I love thee Beloved Cornwall keeping my heart Thy golden lanes, thy honeyed moors Beloved Cornwall keeping my heart |
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