Saturday 27 July 2024

2024 Day 209

 2024 Dedh Dew Cans ha Naw

De Sadorn, seythves warn ügens mis Gorefen

Saturday, 27th July

An Gwariow Olympyk 2024 a dhallathas de, gen ceremony egeryans e'n strêtys Paris gleb, ha nebes sportys bian. Ma'n Gwariow ow trei warbarth athletys hag athletesow an norves  en kesstrif cowethek. Lavar an Gwariow en Latyn en kensa a veu "Citius, Altius, Fortius". Henn ew üskissa (po scaffa), ûhelha, creffa. Nanj ew teyr bledhen an Kessedhek Olympyk Keswlasek a addyas ger pelha - "Communiter", henn ew "warbarth".

The 2024 Olympic Games began yesterday, with an opening ceremony in the wet streets of Paris, and several minor sports. The Games bring together athletes of the world in friendly competition. The Games motto in Latin at first was "Citius, Altius, Fortius". That is "faster, higher, stronger". Three years ago the International Olympic Committee added an extra word - "Communiter", i.e. "together".

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

cowethek friendly, sociable < coweth friend

creffa stronger < crev strong

egeryans (m) opening < egery to open

kessedhek (m) committee (sitting together)

kesstrif (m) competition (striving together)

keswlasek international (countries together)

scaffa faster, quicker < scav fast

sportys sports < sport (m)

strêtys streets < strêt (m)

üskissa faster < üskis

warbarth together

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