Monday 8 July 2024

2024 Day 190

 2024 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens ha Deg

De Lün, Ethves mis Gorefen

Monday, 8th July

Rag Kernow, ma whegh plas en Chei an Gebmyn. An senedh nowydh a  wra metya avorow, ha'n negys rag an jedh a vedh dewisyans a "Leveryas (Cowser)" Chei an Gebmyn. Ken kemeres plas e'n Senedh, esely Chei an Gebmynyon (ha Chei an Arlydhy) a res tei omrians dhe'n Curün. Anjei ell ûsya text a fay, martesen Beybel. Hemm ew pecar'a declaracyon a leldury dhe'n Stat. Na ell esely esedha, debatya, vôtya na degemeres gòber heb tei. Anjei ell tei en Kernôwek. Andrew George a'n gwra en certan.

Cornwall has two seats in the House of Commons. The new parliament will meet tomorrow, and the day's business will be the election of the "Speaker" of the House of Commons. Before taking a seat in Parliament members of the House of Commons (and the House of Lords) must swear an oath of allegiance to the Crown. They can use a religious text, perhaps a Bible. This is like a declaration of loyalty to the State. Members can't sit, debate, vote or receive a salary without swearing an oath. They can swear an oath in Cornish. Andrew George will certainly do it.  

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

Chei an Arlydhy (m) the House of Lords

Chei an Gebmynyon (m) the House of Commons

Curün (m) the Crown (SWFM Kurun)

esely ~ esyly members < esel (m)

fay (m) faith, religion

gòber (m) salary, wages 

leldury ~ lelder (m) loyalty, faithfulness < lel loyal, faithful (SWFM len)

negys (m) business

omrians (m) allegiance, devotion < (vb.) omrei to give oneself

tei ~ tia to swear an oath

Otta an tei

Here is the oath (in SWFM)

My a de re Dhuw ollgallosek

I swear by almighty God

dell vedhav len

that I will be faithful

ha perthi Omrians gwir

and bear true allegiance

dhe Y Vraster an Myghtern Charles,

to His Majesty King Charles,

Y Heryon ha Sewyoryon,

his Heirs and Successors,

herwydh an Lagha.

according to Law.

Duw re'm gweresso.

So help me God. 

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