Tuesday, 3 August 2021

2021 Day 215

2021 Dedh Dew Cans ha Pemdhek

De Meurth, tryja mis Est

Tuesday, 3rd August

Skith o vy, pur skith, saw pur lôwen om ewedh. Hedhyw a veu pecar'a Nadelik, saw gen moy a dòmder. Oll ow theylû a vetyas warbarth et ow lowarth. Nag era nei warbarth en Nadelik eus passyes drefen an pandemyk. Nei a wrüg delleja an termyn a-ves terebo howlsedhes ha gellys o tòmder an howl. Nag era edhyn veth ow mires orthen hedhyw - re drosüs o nei. Pub termyn, pa deffen nei ha bos oll warbarth, tho nei teylû meur agan tros. Gwell ew hedhyw es Nadelik - ma spas moy e'n lowarth. Brâs wharthüs ew an lowarth, saw bian ew an chei. Ma othom a belyow ayr brâs rag Nadelik. Flehes a gar gwary ganjans. E veu balounys bian dhen - lenwys gen dowr, rag batel. Na via hedna possybyl dhe Nadelik. An gerens a veu pecar'a an Trei Sim Für - Na wrewgh gweles drog veth; Na wrewgh clowes drog veth; Na wrewgh leverel drog veth.   

I am tired, very tired, but I'm very happy as well. Today was like Christmas, but with more warmth. All my family met together in my garden. We were not together last Christmas because of the pandemic.  We lingered outside until sunset and the heat of the sun was gone. There weren't any birds watching us today - we were far too noisy. Always, whenever we are all together, we are a noisy family. Today is better than Christmas - there's more room in the garden. The garden is ridiculously big but the house is small. Big balloons are needed for Christmas. Children love to play with them. We had little balloons - filled with water, for a battle. That would not be possible at Christmas. The parents were like the Three Wise Monkeys - See no evil; Hear no evil; Speak no evil.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

a-ves outside

delleja an termyn to linger, loiter

lenwys filled, full

meur agan tros noisy, 'great our noise' (use appropriate possessive)

mires ort ~ orth to watch, look at

orthen ~ orten at us

pòlta re much too

tòmder ~ tòbmder warmth, heat

trosüs noisy

wharthüs ridiculous, ridiculously

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