Monday 28 October 2024

2024 Day 302

2024 Dedh Trei Hans ha Dew 

De Lün, ethves warn ügens mis Hedra 

Monday, 28th October 

Terweythyow na vedn flehes debry aga boos. Kig, tettys ha losow? Re vlewek ens! Flehes a venja cawas tesen po dehen rew rag li ha kidnyow. Etho, pres boos a dal bos aventur po gwary. Yos tettys ell bos menedh. Bes mena tan ewa, gen men teudh (morros vêgan) ow frosa war nans ha bys en forest. Nebes gwedh broccoli ew peryllys. Gwra aga debry en üskis, po anjei a vedh leskys. Pub tabm o debrys! Tra veth rag an kei!

Sometimes children won't eat their food. Meat, potatoes and vegetables? They're too boring! Children would like to have cake or ice cream for breakfast and dinner. So, a meal should be an adventure or a game. Mashed potato can be a mountain. But it is a volcano, with molten lava (vegan ham) flowing downhill and up to a forest. Some broccoli trees are in danger. Eat them quickly, or they will be burnt! Every morsel was eaten. Nothing for the dog!

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today 

aventur (m) adventure

debrys eaten

frosa to flow

gwary (m) game < vb. gwary to play

leskys burnt < vb. lesky to burn (not lesca)

mena tan (m) volcano (fire mountain)

menedh (m) mountain

men teudh (m) (molten) lava

morros ~ mordhos hogh (f) ham, gammon

yos tettys (m) mashed potato 

Sunday 27 October 2024

2024 Day 301

2024 Dedh Trei Hans ha Wonan 

De Sül, seythves warn ügens mis Hedra 

Sunday, 27th October 

An gewer hedhyw o pur deg - fitty rag diwrosya ha kerdhes gans an keun war Lergh an Sansow. Ma del marow ewedh - vas rag pôtya! Meyn ponsvorr an vorr gledher goth o tòbm - perfydh rag tycky Duw mantel rüdh. Ma lies corf gwedhen coth ha kievow reb an vorr - perfydh rag tevyans fungi corbel (hag erel).

The weather today was very lovely - suitable for cycling and walking with the dogs on the Saints' Trail. There are dead leaves too - right for kicking! The railway viaduct stones were warm - perfect for a last red admiral butterfly. There are many old tree trunks and tree stumps by the way - ideal for the growth of bracket (and other) fungi.

Geryow rag hedhyw Words for today 

corbel (m) bracket (SWFM korbel)

corf gwedhen (m) tree trunk

diwettha last

fitty suitable, apt, appropriate, etc.

kievow tree stumps < kiev (m)

perfydh perfect, ideal

ponsvorr (f) viaduct (SWFM ponsfordh)

pôtya to kick, boot

tevyans (m) growth

tycky Duw mantel rüdh (m) red admiral butterfly

vas suitable, apt, appropriate, etc. 

vorr ~ forr (f) way (SWFM fordh)

vorr ~ fordh gledher (f) railway (SWFM hyns horn)

Saturday 26 October 2024

2024 Day 300

2024 Dedh Trei Hans

De Sadorn, wheffes warn ügens mis Hedra 

Saturday, 26th October 

Nag eus lies flour en mis Hedra, bes nag eus fowt a liw. Mis Hedra, ken devedhyans an rew, ew termyn da rag fungus. Ma lies ehen a scavel cronek ha còsk ow tevy en gweres, ligen ha losow marow. Radn anodhans ew pur vrâs ha ken re ew münys. An maw a wrüg gweres dhebm dhe whilas samplow, saw gwell o ganjo towla gwelydny rag an kei, ha batalyas ort euthviles.

There are not a lot of flowers in October, but there is no lack of colour. October, before the coming of the frost is a good time for fungus. There are many types of toadstool and mould growing in soil, compost and dead vegetation. Some of them are very large and others are tiny. The boy helped me to look for specimens, but he preferred to throw sticks for the dog, and fight monsters.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today 

còsk (coll.) mould

devedhyans (m) arrival, coming

fowt (m) lack, deficiency, deficit

gwelydny sticks < gwelen (f)

gweres (m) soil

ken re others

ligen (f) compost, humus, rotting leaves, etc.

losow (coll.) plants, vegetation

rew (m) frost

samplow ~ samplys samples, specimens < sampel (m)