Sunday 22 September 2024

2024 Day 266

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ugens ha Whegh

De Sul, nessa warn ugens mis Gwedngala

Sunday, 22nd September

Gen an howl a-ugh keheja an bes, thew an jedh ma an kensa dedh kidnyadh. Thewa keheja dedh ha nos dres oll an bes. Avorow en Kernow agan nos a vedh hirra avel agan dedh. Martesen nebonan a wra gweles an Steren Gidnyadh (Fomalhaut) isel en radn a'n sooth an eborn. Soweth, na ellama gweles bes menedh ha gwedh - ha re gomolek ew war neb coor. 

With the sun above the world's Equator, this day is the first autumn day. It is the Equinox (equal day and night) across all the world. Tomorrow in Cornwall our night will be longer than our day. Perhaps someone will see the Autumn Star (Fomalhaut) low in the southern part of the sky. Alas, I can only see a hill and trees - and it is too cloudy anyway.

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