Thursday 19 September 2024

2024 Day 263

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Trei 

De Yow, nawnjegves mis Gwedngala 

Thursday, 19th September 

Keniver jorna nei a wel lies edhen; edhyn bian hag edhyn brâs. Terweythyow mons ow tos dhe 'gan lowarth rag boos. Da ew ganjans kergh. Ma othom dhodhans a dhowr ewedh. Ha mons ow trouvya boos emesk an gwelsednow. (Ma lies melwhejen ha bulhornes!) Dhort termyn dhe dermyn nei a wel edhyn ow neyja ûhel a-ûhen - gordhûherweyth ma gullys ow neyja tre dhe'n cost dhort an ysegow. A venja an bargas codha ort gòlan? Ma'n colomednow coos whath ow cressya - gwelys ew genam crogen oy, baby gweskys ha ydhnik brâs ow qwandra a-dro.

Everyday I see a lot of birds; small birds and big birds. Sometimes they come to our garden for food. They like oats. They need water too. And they find food among the blades of grass. (There are lots of slugs and snails!) From time to time we see birds flying high above us - in the evening time seagulls are flying back to the coast from the cornfields. Would the buzzard like to attack a gull? The wood pigeons are still breeding - I have seen an egg shell, a squashed baby and a big chick wandering around.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

dhort termyn dhe dermyn from time to time

ganjans with them (SWFM gansans)

gordhûherweyth evening time (SWFM gorthugherweyth)

gwelsednow blades of grass < gwelsen (f) < gwels (coll.) (SWFM gwelsennow)

keniver jorna every day, daily

kergh (coll.) oats

melwhejen ~ melwhyjen slug < melwhes (coll.) (SWFM melhwesen)

ûhel a-ûhen high above us

ydhnik (m) chick

ysegow - ysegy cornfields < ysek ~ ysyk (m)

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