Tuesday 1 October 2024

2024 Day 275

 2024 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Pemdhek  

De Meurth, kensa mis Hedra 

Tuesday, 1st October 

Nag ew mis Hedra ow mis an moyha kerys. Thera nei ow tos nes dhe dermyn a dedhyow cotta ha kewer moy yeyn. Ma gòlowder ha tòbmder ow lehe. E via esy dhe dheskydnya en moredh bes nei a dal remaynya positiv. Dadn an arwòdh An Vantol ma puptra ow mantolly. Gerowgh nei dhe wil an mis ma mis da - pockya an vantol e'n tû own.

October is not my favourite month. We are approaching a time of shorter days and colder weather. Light and heat are diminishing. It would be easy to fall into depression but we should remain positive. Under the sign of Libra (The Scales) everything is in the balance (balancing). Let us make this month a good month - nudge the balance in the right direction.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today 

cotta shorter

deskydnya en moredh to fall into depression

dos nes ~ nesse to approach, come near

gòlowder (m) light, brightness

kewer (f) weather

lehe to diminish, lesson

mantolly to balance, sway

moyha kerys favourite, most loved

pockya to poke, prod, nudge

tòbmder ~ tòmder (m) heat, warmth

Monday 30 September 2024

2024 Day 274

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Peswardhek 

De Lün, degves warn ügens mis Gwedngala 

Monday, 16th September 


Hedhyw my a venja mires orth nebes gorthenebow. De Gwener my a viras orth "sedh". An gorthenep "sedh" ew "sav". Nag ew tavosow pup pres warlergh lojyk. Otta berdh ha bardhesow a sedh en Gorsedh Kernow. Towlys ew hedna. Pandr'ew towl rag gorsav - meur a düs a sav? Gwell via ganjans bos sedhys en tren. Sedhva ew rag sedha ha mires orth gwary. Ew hedna puppres gwir? Nag ew. Terweythyow ma bush brâs a düs a sav en esedhva. Henn ew lojyk en Sowsnek saw nag ew en Kernôwek. Ew "savla" gortheneb "esedhva" - telher rag sevel ha telher rag sedha. Ma lies styr dhe "savla" - saw pandra po piw eus ow sevel?

Today I'd like to look at some opposites. On Friday I looked at "sit" (or sink). The opposite of "sit" is "stand" (or rise). Languages are not always logical. Here are bards seated at the Cornish Gorsedd. That is planned. What is the plan for a station - a lot of people standing? They would prefer to be seated on a train. A grandstand is for sitting and watching a game. Is that always true? No. Sometimes there's a standing crowd in a grandstand. That's logic in English but it's not in Cornish. Is a stop the opposite of a grandstand - a place for standing and a place for sitting? "Savla" has many meanings - but what or who is there that stands?  

Nebes geryow rag hedhyw Some words for today

berdh ~ bardhesow bards < bardh (m) ~ bardhes (f)

gorthenebow opposites, opposite sides < gorthenep ~ gortheneb (m) < enep (m) face

sevel to stand, arise, get up, rise, halt, raise up, erect

warlergh ~ herwedh lojyk logical, logically

Versions of savla:

viewpoint, standpoint, halt, position, stance, stop, station, outlook, platform

savla buss ~ savla kyttrin bus-stop

savla eyrlû air-base

savla petrol filling station

savla spas space station

savla tren railway station

howlsavla ~ howlsav (m) solstice - not sunrise which is howldrevel (m)

Sunday 29 September 2024

2024 Day 273

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Terdhek

De Sül, nawes warn ügens mis Gwedngala Sunday, 29th September 

An jedh ma ew dhe les. Thewa gool Mehal. En termyn eus passyes hebma o dedh qwarter ha dallath (aral) kidnyadh. Piw o an Mehal ma? A wrüg ev gwil neppeth specyal an jedh ma? Arthel o va, hag ev a dowlas Lûcyfer drog mes a Nev. Lûcyfer a godhas en dreysen. An el codhys a volethas an bagas drenek ha'n mor dû. Rag hedna, cuntel mor wòja gool Mehal nag ew tybyans da - anjei a vedh trenk. En gwelha pres, my a wrüg cuntel mor solabres ha gwil jamm rag an gwav.

This day is interesting. It is Michaelmas, the feast of St Michael. In a time that is past this was a quarter day and (another) start of autumn. Who was this Michael? Did he do something special on this day? He was an archangel, and he cast naughty Lucifer out of Heaven. Lucifer fell into a blackberry bush. The fallen angel cursed the prickly bush and the blackberries. Therefore, picking blackberries after Michaelmas is not a good idea - they will be sour! Fortunately, I've already picked blackberries and made jam for the winter.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

arthel ~ arhel (m) archangel

bagas (m) bush

cuntel mor to pick blackberries

drenek prickly

dreysen (f) bramble, blackberry bush

el (m) angel

Lûcyfer Lucifer

moletha ~ molethy to curse

towlel ~ towla dhe ves to cast out, throw out

trenk ~ trynk sour, acidic