Monday 9 September 2024

2024 Day 253

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Terdhek ha Dogens

De Lün, nawes mis Gwedngala

Monday, 9th September

A wrügo whei redya dallath ow whedhal rag flehes (dedh dew cans dogens ha wonan)? A ello whei remembra geryow veth? My a wrüchânjya nebes geryow ha ma scrifys genam tabm moy. Ma'n darvos en chei coth gen to deiys, henn ew chei teiys. E'n soler, ma cofer brâs gorlenwys gen taclow dhe les.

Did you read the start of my story for children (day 241)? Can you remember any words? I changed a few words and I've written a bit more. The action is in an old house with a thatched roof, i.e. a thatched house. In the attic, there is a large trunk crammed with interesting things.

Nebes geryow rag hedhyw Some words for today

chei teiys (m) thatched house

darvos (m) event, happening, action

dewgh chei (imp. pl.) come in

dhe les interesting, advantageous

etho so

etto in it

et y le instead, in its place

gorlenwys crammed, stuffed, over-filled

Piwa benag! Whatever!

pur apert obviously, of course

ragtho for it

soler (m) attic, loft, gallery

taclow things (plural of tra (f))

to deiys (m) thatched roof

Dallath an Daralla

“Ma othom dhebm a olifans gwydn.”

Lev ow hôr Rosa ew hedna.

“Gwra goven ort dha dhama wydn!”

Lev agan dama ew hedna.

Ma hei ow cosôwes bes hanter orth Rosa. Hanter aral hy rach ew kemerys gen caletter aral. Fatel ell hei gwitha agan broder bian dhort towla brodnyon ort an gath. Ma dhodho gallos marthys rag nebonan ew bes trei bloodh coth.

“Praga ’venta olifans gwydn, poran?”

Henn ew agan sira, puppres den heweres.

“Rag an gwerth olifanjes gwydn en fer an scol, pur apert. Rag fra ken?”

“Drog ew genam, chîl vian, dhe egery dha lagajow, bes nag ew gwerthow olifanjes gwydn rag gwertha olifanjes gwydn.”

“Nag eram ow convedhes.” Ma mir prederüs dhe Rosa.

“Olifans gwydn ew neppeth nag ew kevys vas gen nebonan.”

“Neppeth henwys ‘atal’ gen Mabm?”

“Nantei. Ev ell bos da lowr, bes na ell keniver onan cavas ûs ragtho.”

“My alja ûsya olifans gwydn.”

“Ma taclow ew destnys dhe vos olifanjes gwydn. Pernys ens, ha wòja hedna thens res dhe ves, dhe vos gwerthys arta. Thens radn an economiedh.”

Piwa benag! Penag oll vo anjei, ma othom dhebm a onan anodhans. Eus dhiso jy olifans gwydn?”

Lebmyn ma geryow Tas ow tasseny an re Mabm.

“Gwra gofen ort dha dhama wydn!”

Thera nei ow mos, rag hedna, Rosa ha my, dhe’n chei bian agan dama wydn en ogas; a-dreus pras an gever, dres an rew a wedh Nadelik, dres geverjy ha gweythva e’n lowarth, ha bys e’n daras kegin agan dama wydn. 

Ma'n Daralla ow Mos Rag

The story continues:

“Mabm Wydn! Ma othom dhebm a olifans gwydn.” Granny! I need a white elephant. 

“Ha Rosa. Ha Kettern. Dewgh chei! Olifans gwydn? Gero nei dhe whilas dha olifans gwydn.” Hello Rosie. Hello Katie. Come in! A white elephant? Let’s look for your white elephant. 

Rag fra nag eus marth dhedhy? Da via genam godhvos. Eus olifans gwydn dhedhy, martesen? Why isn’t she surprised? I’d like to know. Does she have a white elephant, maybe? 

Ma hei owth agan ledya bys et hy chomber. She leads us to her bedroom. 

“Gwra egery an ambry, Kettern.” Open the cupboard, Katie. 

Etho, theram owth egery an ambry bras, saw nag eus olifans gwydn etto. So, I open the big cupboard, but there isn't a white elephant in it. 

Et y le, ma skeyl, ow sevel emann tûa soler dadn an to deiys. xx 

“Gerowgh nei mos emann.” Instead, there's a ladder, going up to an attic under the thatched roof. 

Lebmyn theram ow kemeres marth ow hònan. Mabm Wydn ew coth, bes hei ell crambla pur üskis. Now I am surprised myself. Granny is old, but she can climb very fast. 

En scon thera nei oll e’n soler derag cofer cawrek. Soon we are all in the attic in front of a giant trunk.

“Gwra egery an cofer, Rosa.” Open the trunk, Rosie. 

Poos ew an còvren, etho ma othom dhedhy a ow heweres. The lid is heavy, so she needs my help. 

Ma lies tra e’n cofer. Gorlenwys ewa gen oll sortow taclow . There are lots of things in the trunk. It's crammed with all sorts of things. 

Na ellama gweles olifans gwydn veth. Ma nebes dilhas coth ha pil a vlew dû, pecar’a best marow. We can't see any white elephants. There are some old clothes and a pile of black hair, like a dead animal. 

Distowgh, ma’n pil a vlew ow qwaya. Thera vy ow lebmel ha ma Rosa owth üja. Suddenly, the pile of hair moves. I jump and Rosa screams. 

Ma’n pil a vlew dû ow sevel emann war beder garr gompes  ha nena,  gen hager tros, ma va ow pònya dres leur an soler dhe’n skeyl ha mos mes a wel. The pile of black hair stands up on four straight legs and then, with a horrible noise, it runs across the attic floor to the ladder and vanishes. 

Ma Mabm Wydn ow wherhin, “Mehal! My 'wrüg crejy dro va kellys. Pana gath cky!” Granny laughs, "Michael! I thought he was lost. What a silly cat! 

“Pana dermyn a wrüg an gath mos war stray, Mabm Wydn? Na wrüga vy hy besca gweles kens lebmyn.” Da via genam godhvos hedna. When did the cat go missing, Granny? I never saw it before now. I'd like to know that. 

“Nanj ew lies bledhen, chîl vian.” Many years ago, darling. 

“Rag fra nag ew hei marow, dhana?” Why isn't it dead, then? 

“Drefen bos gorgath dres ehen, Mehal Marthys.” Because its an extraordinary tomcat, Marvellous Michael 

“Ha piw a bew an Mehal Marthys ma?” Who owns this Marvellous Michael? 

“Dama vy, agas hen-henvam.” My mother, your great-grandmother. 

“A vedh an gorgath oll en compòster?” Rosa ew troblys. Bestes ew da genjy. Will the cat be alright? Rosa is bothered. She likes animals.

“Entei. Ha lebmyn, gero nei trouvya dha olifans gwydn.” Certainly. And now, let's find your white elephant.


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