Tuesday 16 July 2024

2024 Day 198

2024 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens hag Etek

De Meurth, whetegves mis Gorefen

Tuesday, 16th July

Res veu dhebm kerdhes dew vildir dhe'n treth. Na wrüga vy mos e'n mor rag neyja na byldya castilly treth. Na wrüg. Ma'n chei yehes ogas dhe'n treth. E veu othom dhe'm medhek a sampel, nebes millilitrow a wooj, dhe whithra gweythres an lonethy. An dharbarores yeheswith o pur üskis hag abyl. Rag hedna thera termyn luck dhebm rag sedha reb an treth ha mires orth oll an düs ha'n edhyn, ken kemeres tre an kyttrin scol. An chôkys ha gullys ew bold (po gwag)!

I had to walk two miles to the beach. I did not go in the sea for a swim or build sand castles. No. The health centre is near the beach. My doctor needed a sample, several millilitres of blood, to test kidney function. The healthcare assistant was very quick and efficient. Therefore I had enough time to sit by the beach and watch all the people and birds, before taking the school bus home. The jackdaws and seagulls are bold (or hungry).

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

abyl able, efficient

byldya to build

castilly treth sand castles < castel treth (m)

chei yehes (m) health centre

darbarores (f) assistant (d>dh after an)

gooj ~ goos (m) blood (go>wo after a of)

gweythres (m) function, working, etc.

lonethy kidneys < loneth (f)

ogas dhe near, close to

whithra to test, check, examine 

yeheswith healthcare

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