2025 Dedh Dewgens
De Sül, nawes mis Whevrel
Sunday, 9th February
De Yow eus passyes, Cowethas Art Truru a vetyas warbarth en Cresen Gemeneth Ke. Dro pyncels, paper ha foto a berson po best ow qwaya. An re na o agan arhadowyow. My a necovas ow foto, heb mar, bes my a gemeras fardel a levrow termyn. Hannah Mitzi Fielding a dhescas dhen dhe nakevy agan maner obery ûsadow. Rag rei semblans a wayans, gwrewgh tedna agas pictour gen linen heb hedhy. Na wrewgh derevel agas pyncel po qwillen dhort an paper. Hannah a dhisqwedhas dhen fatel y wil. Thera dhedhy fotos a scovarnogyon ha tabm glow predn helyk. Whei ell gweles aga scovarnow hir, blew bogh, lagajow ha frigow. Thera pictours deffrans dhe nei oll. Calish o gwitha dhort tedna herwedh ûsadow. Ha na ell errors (ow lostek cabm) bos ruttyes mes. Ma Hannah ow usya an keth maner rag stüdhyansow bownas.
Last Thursday, Truro Art Society met together in Kea Community Centre. Bring pencils, paper and a photo of a person or animal moving. Those were our instructions. I forgot my photo, of course, but I took a bundle of magazines. Hannah Mitzi Fielding taught us to forget our usual way of working. For giving an appearance of movement, draw your picture with a continuous line. Do not raise your pencil or pen off the paper. Hannah demonstrated how to do it. She had photos of hares and a bit of willow charcoal. You can see their long ears, whiskers, eyes and nose. We all had different pictures. It was hard to keep from sketching as usual - and errors (my wonky fox) cannot be rubbed out. Hannah uses the same method for life studies.
Nebes geryow Some words
arhadowyow instructions, commands, etc.
blew bogh (coll.) whiskers (cheek hair)
fardel (m) bundle
frigow nose, nostrils < frig (m)
glow predn (coll.) charcoal
gwayans (m) movement
heb hedhy continuous, without stopping
helyk (coll.) willow (Salix sp.)
lagajow eyes < lagas (m)
lever termyn (m) magazine, periodical
lostek (m) fox, "the one with the tail"
ruttya mes to rub out, erase
semblans (m) appearance, semblance
scovarnek (m) hare, "the one with ears"
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