Friday, 7 February 2025

2025 Day 38

2025 Dedh Etek warn Ügens

De Gwener, seythves mis Whevrel
Friday, 7th February

Otta pempes daralla dewdavosek rag Seythen Whedhla an Pow. "An Maw ha'n Avar" henwys ew ev. Nag eus tra veth debrys saw gwels! Piw eus e'n daralla ma? Ottòbma rôl.
Here's a fifth bilingual tale for National Storytelling Week. It's called "The Boy and the Goat". Nothing is eaten except grass! Who is there in this tale? Here's a list. 
gavar (f) a goat
maw (m) a boy
cònin (m) a rabbit
gwywer (m) a squirrel
lowarn (lostek) (m) a fox
gwenenen (f) a bee

A little boy had a goat.
An avar a fias dhe'n fo.
The goat ran away.

She ran into the wood and found some nice grass.
Da o gans an avar debry an gwels.
The goat liked eating the grass.

The boy wanted to go home but the goat did not want to go home.
"Na ellama mos tre," said the little boy.
"Ow gavar a fias bys e'n coos ha
na vedn hei mos tre."
I can't go home.
My goat ran into the wood and
she will not go home.
Then the boy began to cry.

A rabbit came up to him, and said,
"Prag thesta owth ola, a vaw bian?"
Why are you crying, little boy?

The little boy said,
"Theram owth ola 
drefen ow gavar dhe fia dhe'n fo.
Hei a fias bys e'n coos,
ha na vedn hei mos tre."
I'm crying 
because my goat ran away.
She ran into the wood 
and she will not go home.

"Na wra ola, a vaw bian," said the rabbit.
My a ell gwil dhe'n avar mos tre."
Don't cry, little boy.
I can make the goat go home.

The rabbit ran into the wood, and approached the goat. But the goat still refused to go home. 
So the rabbit began to cry.

A squirrel came  up to the rabbit, and said,
"Prag thesta owth ola, a gònin  bian?"
Why are you crying, little rabbit?

The rabbit said,
"Theram owth ola 
drefen an maw bian dhe ola.
Ma'n maw bian owth ola
drefen y avar dhe fia dhe'n fo.
Hei a fias bys e'n coos,
ha na vedn hei mos tre."
I'm crying 
because the little boy is crying.
The little boy is crying 
because his goat ran away.
She ran into the wood 
and she will not go home.

"Na wra ola, a gonin bian," said the squirrel.
My a ell gwil dhe'n avar mos tre."
Don't cry, little rabbit.
I can make the goat go home.

The squirrel ran into the wood.
He went up to the goat, but the goat still refused to go home. 
So the squirrel began to cry.

A fox came  up to the squirrel, and said,
"Prag thesta owth ola, a wywer  bian?"
Why are you crying, little squirrel?

The squirrel said,
"Theram owth ola
drefen an cònin dhe ola.
Ma'n cònin owth ola 
drefen an maw bian dhe ola.
Ma'n maw bian owth ola
drefen y avar dhe fia dhe'n fo.
Hei a fias bys e'n coos,
ha na vedn hei mos tre."
I'm crying 
because the rabbit is crying.
The rabbit is crying 
because the little boy is crying.
The little boy is crying 
because his goat ran away.
She ran into the wood 
and she will not go home.

"Na wra ola, a wywer bian," said the fox.
My a ell gwil dhe'n avar mos tre."
Don't cry, little squirrel.
I can make the goat go home.

The fox ran into the wood.
He went up to the goat, but the goat still refused to go home. 
Then the fox began to cry.

A little bee flew up to the fox, and said,
"Prag thesta owth ola, a lostek  bian?"
Why are you crying, little fox?

The fox said,
"Theram owth ola
drefen an gwywer dhe ola.
Ma'n gwywer owth ola
drefen an cònin dhe ola.
Ma'n cònin owth ola 
drefen an maw bian dhe ola.
Ma'n maw bian owth ola
drefen y avar dhe fia dhe'n fo.
Hei a fias bys e'n coos,
ha na vedn hei mos tre."
I'm crying 
because the squirrel is crying.
The squirrel is crying
because the rabbit is crying.
The rabbit is crying 
because the little boy is crying.
The little boy is crying 
because his goat ran away.
She ran into the wood 
and she will not go home.

"Na wra ola, a lostek bian," said the bee.
My a ell gwil dhe'n avar mos tre."
Don't cry, little squirrel.
I can make the goat go home.

The fox laughed, and said,
"Na ella vy gwil dhe'n avar mos tre.
A ell gwenenen vian gwil dhe'n avar mos tre?"
I cannot make the goat go home.
Can a little bee make the goat go home?
Then the fox laughed and laughed.

The little bee flew into the wood. She flew close to the goat.
"Bzz, bzzz," she said.

"Gwenen a ell piga," thought the goat.
"My a vedn pònya!"
Bees can sting.
I will run.

And the goat ran all the way home.
Then the little boy laughed,
"Gromercy dhis, a wenenen vian."
Thank you, little bee.

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