Friday 30 August 2024

2024 Day 243

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Dogens ha Trei

De Gwener, degves warn ügens mis Est

Friday, 30th August 

Nanj ew etek bledhen Fran Brown, fysiotherapydhes dhort Truru, a veu electrisyen a wòlowow en gwariva en Loundres. Nena hei a godhas dhe'n dor - whetek trooshes dhort skeyl - ha shyndya hy hodna. Pehen sport alja bos gwres gen benyn efreg? Gen determyans brâs hei a sayas nebes - crambla, triathlon, diwrosya. Lebmyn, òtta hei gen hy diwros en Gwariow Paralympyk en Paris.

Eighteen years ago Fran Brown, a physiotherapist from Truro, was a lighting technician in a theatre in London. Then she fell down - sixteen feet from a ladder - and damaged her neck. What sort of sport can be done by a handicapped woman? With great determination she tried several - climbing, triathlon and cycling. Now, here she is with her bicycle at the Paralympic Games in Paris.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

codha to fall > a godhas (preterite)

codna (m) neck (c>h after hy)

determyans (m) determination, resolution

electrisyen (m) electrician

fysiotherapydhes (f) physiotherapist

gòlow (m) light  

gwariva (f) theatre

pehen what sort of, what kind (< pe ehen)

shyndya to injure, damage

skeyl (f) ladder

trooshes (m) foot (length)

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