Thursday 15 August 2024

2024 Day 228

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Eth warn Ügens

De Yow, pemdhegves mis Est

Thursday, 15th August

En gwenton nei a wel scav a'y ligyon. Glas ha purpur ewa ha cüdhys lowr emesk an glasneth. Na ellen nei gweles an flourys münys barh dhe'n hod. Nag ew pollenyans gen tyckias Duw saw gen kelyon bian, bahys gen cran a vlew. Dynyes ew an kelyon gen blas pecar'a câwgh, en le a liwyow teg. Lebmyn nei a wel neppeth moy spladn, neppeth badnek, gen greun rüdh. Gwedhrys dhe ves ew an hod ha'n ligyon. An hanow en Sowsnek ew "arlydhy hag arlòdhesow". Leun a wenon ens.  

In spring we see wild Arum. It is green and purple and quite hidden among the greenery. We can't see the tiny flowers inside the hood. Pollination is not by butterflies but by little flies, trapped by a ring of hairs. The flies are attracted by a bad smell like faeces, instead of pretty colours. Now we see something brighter, something obvious, with red berries. The hood and the genitals have withered away. The name in English is "lords and ladies". They are full of poison.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

badnek prominent, obvious (SWFM bannek)

bahys trapped < baha to trap (SWFM bagha)

barh dhe inside, within (SWF M a-berth yn)

dynyes attracted, lured, enticed, etc.

gwedhrys ~ gwedrys shriveled, withered

hod (m) hood

kelgh (m) circle, ring (SWFM kylgh)

kelyon flies > kelyonen (f)

ligyon genitals, privates 

pollenyans (m) pollination

scav light, flimsy, scanty, fleet, etc.

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