Wednesday 12 June 2024

2024 Day 164

2024 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Pajar

De Merher, dewdhegves mis Efen

Wednesday, 12th June

E'n Bes Nowydh (Canada ha'n Statys Ûnyes America) radn an pobel ew henwys Kensa Nacyons. Ma dhodhans an Seyth Descas Tasow wydn (po Descansow an Seyth Tas wydn). Pub tas wydn (po sperys meur) ew disqwedhys gen best. Ma'n seyth descans ow tesky fatel bewa bownans da. E'n Bes Coth, ma'n Beybel Sans ow rei dhen An Deg Aradow (saw heb bestes). Rag Revrons (Bry) ma Bîson. Whei a res rei bry rag bos onorys. Gwrewgh onora creacyon oll. Soweth, nag eus Bîson veth en Kernow, bes res ew dhen onora pub tra bew! Rag Leldury ma Bran Vrâs. Bedhowgh onest en geryow hag oberow, gen agas honan ha gen tüs erel. Gwell ew dhe fyllel gen onesty avel soweny gen frows. Ma dhen nebes briny brâs en Kernow.

In the New World (Canada and the United States of America) some of the people are called First Nations. They have the Seven Grandfathers Teachings. Each grandfather (or great spirit), each teaching, is represented by an animal. The seven teachings teach how to live a good life. In the Old World, the Holy Bible gives us the Ten Commandments (but without animals). For Respect there is a Bison (buffalo). You must give respect to be respected. Respect all of creation. Sadly, there's not a single Bison in Cornwall, but we must respect everything living. For Honesty there is a Raven. Be honest in words and actions, with yourself and with other people. Better to fail by honesty than to succeed by fraud. We have some ravens in Cornwall.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

An Deg Aradow The Ten Commandments
bew living
bewa to live
bownans ~ bownas (m) life (SWFM bewnans)
bran vrâs (f) raven
disqwedhys represented
Kensa Nacyons First Nations
onest honest, 
onora ~ enora to honour, respect 
sperys meur (m) great spirit

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