Friday 31 May 2024

2024 Day 152

2024 Dedh Cans Dewdhek ha Dewgens

De Gwener, ügensves warn ügens mis Me

Friday, 31st May

An diwettha jorna whel a'n seythen, an diwettha seythen a'n mis ha'n diwettha mis a'n gwenton, ha politegieth lowr! Avorow a vedh an kensa dedh a'n hav. A vedh an gewer gwell? Ma esperans dhebm. Hedhyw ma gwens yeyn dhia'n noor ha scant na ellama gweles an mor. An bes - mor, eborn, losow - ew "glas" yeyn. Saw ma liwyow tòbma e'n flourys. Ma owr ha rüdh war owrdynkes bian, ha rüdh moy war an tycky Duw mantel rüdh ma. Ha'n jorna o gòlowha gen visytoryon ow theylû ha ga hei nowydh. Ow hei bian ew pur lôwen gen y goweth brâs nowydh.  

The last work-day of the week, the last week of the month and the last month of spring, and enough politics! Tomorrow will be the first day of the summer. Will the weather be better? I hope. Today there is a cold northerly wind and I can hardly see the sea. The world - sea, sky, plants - is cold "glas". But there are hotter colours in the flowers. There is gold and red on little goldfinches, and more red on this red admiral butterfly. And the day was brighter with visitors - my family and their new dog. My little dog is delighted with his big new friend.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

dhia'n noor northerly, from the north

gòlowha brighter

jorna whel (m) work-day, working day

ma esperans dhebm (lit.) there is hope to me

owrdynkes goldfinches < owrdynk (m)

politegieth ~ polityk (f) politics

scant hardly

tòbma warmer, hotter, also to heat, to warm

tycky Duw mantel rüdh (m) red admiral butterfly

visytoryon visitors


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