Sunday 5 May 2024

2024 Day 126

2024 Dedh Cans Whegh warn Ügens

De Sül, pempes mis Me

Sunday, 5th May

An hanow Latyn rag helik ew "Salix". My a redyas fatel wrüg an ger dos dhort tavas Keltek coth dhe'n Romans, ha'n menyng ew "ogas dowr". Da ew gen helik tevy ogas dhe ryvars ha gothow, en certan. Ma lies telher gleb en Kernow ha henwyn teleryow gen "helik" po "heligen" ettans. Terweythyow, ma helik en "porth" - ma gover war an treth en Porth Helik. Martesen thera "res" en gover en Reshelik, bes lebmyn thew leun a havosow finder.  Ha Heligen ew chei brâs ha lowarth "kellys" goraswonys

The Latin names for willows is "Salix". I read that the word came from an old Celtic language to the Romans, and the meaning is "near water". Willows certainly like growing near rivers and streams. There are many wet places in Cornwall and place names with "willows" or "willow" in them. Sometimes there are willows in a "cove" - there is a stream on the beach in Porthallack (Willows Cove). Perhaps there was a ford in a stream in Retallack (Ford by Willow Trees), but now it is full of luxury summer holiday homes. And Heligan (Willow Tree) is a big house and a very famous "lost" garden.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

ettans in them

finder (m) luxury

goraswonys very famous, very well known

havosow summer holiday homes < havos (f)

helik (col.) willows > heligen (f) 

kellys lost

menyng (m) meaning

ogas (+ dhe) near (+ to) 

porth ~ porh (m) cove

res (f) ford

Have you discovered any of these willowy places? 

PENHALLIC POINT: Penn Helyk "willows headland" 

PORTHALLACK: Porth Helik “willows cove” 

PORTH HELLICK (Scilly): Porth Helik "willows cove" 

HAILGLOWER/HALGOLLUIR: Heliglowarth, Heliglowar’ “willow garden” 

HALLIGYE (Heligy 1284): Heligy “place/stream of willows” 

PENADLAKE (Penhylek 1394): Penhelik “end/top of willows” 

PENHALLICK (Camborne) (Penhelek 1314): Penhelik “end/top of willows” 

PENHELLICK (Camborne) (Penhelek 1314): Penhelik hilltop with willows” 

PENHELLICK (St Wenn) (Penehelek 1327): Penhelik “hilltop with willows” 

PORTHALLACK: ?Porth Helik “willows cove” 


RETALLACK (St Wenn) (Reshelec C13): Reshelik “ford by willow trees” 

RETALLICK (Roche) (Retelek 1304,Restelek 1370): Reshelik “ford by willow trees” 


There are only two places with a singular willow tree. 

HELIGAN: Heligen “willow tree” 

SELLEGAN (Reshelegen 1291): Resheligen “willow tree ford” 

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