Friday 31 May 2024

2024 Day 152

2024 Dedh Cans Dewdhek ha Dewgens

De Gwener, ügensves warn ügens mis Me

Friday, 31st May

An diwettha jorna whel a'n seythen, an diwettha seythen a'n mis ha'n diwettha mis a'n gwenton, ha politegieth lowr! Avorow a vedh an kensa dedh a'n hav. A vedh an gewer gwell? Ma esperans dhebm. Hedhyw ma gwens yeyn dhia'n noor ha scant na ellama gweles an mor. An bes - mor, eborn, losow - ew "glas" yeyn. Saw ma liwyow tòbma e'n flourys. Ma owr ha rüdh war owrdynkes bian, ha rüdh moy war an tycky Duw mantel rüdh ma. Ha'n jorna o gòlowha gen visytoryon ow theylû ha ga hei nowydh. Ow hei bian ew pur lôwen gen y goweth brâs nowydh.  

The last work-day of the week, the last week of the month and the last month of spring, and enough politics! Tomorrow will be the first day of the summer. Will the weather be better? I hope. Today there is a cold northerly wind and I can hardly see the sea. The world - sea, sky, plants - is cold "glas". But there are hotter colours in the flowers. There is gold and red on little goldfinches, and more red on this red admiral butterfly. And the day was brighter with visitors - my family and their new dog. My little dog is delighted with his big new friend.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

dhia'n noor northerly, from the north

gòlowha brighter

jorna whel (m) work-day, working day

ma esperans dhebm (lit.) there is hope to me

owrdynkes goldfinches < owrdynk (m)

politegieth ~ polityk (f) politics

scant hardly

tòbma warmer, hotter, also to heat, to warm

tycky Duw mantel rüdh (m) red admiral butterfly

visytoryon visitors


Thursday 30 May 2024

2024 Day 151

2024 Dedh Cans Üdnek ha Dewgens

De Yow, degves warn ügens mis Me

Thursday, 30th May

An kensa dewisyans kebmyn rag Chei an Gebmyn an Wlascor Ûnyes a veu e'n vledhen etek cans ha dew. Henry Addington a veu poyntys avel kensa menyster gen Metêrn Jory. Na wrüg benenes dewis. Wòja hedna e veu dew vetêrn moy ha deg dewisyans kebmyn moy, ha whath na alja benenes bos vôtyoresow. Wòja mernans Wella IV, thera metêrnes. Dres an rayn Metêrnes Vyctoria e veu pemdhek dewisyans kebmyn moy, ha whath na alja benenes vôtya. E'n ügensves cansbledhen thera trei metêrn hag üdn vetêrnes neb alja appoyntya pedn menysters, hag e veu pemp dewisyans kebmyn warn ügens. E'n cansbledhen ma e veu dhen seyth pedn menyster.  Nebes benenes a gawas an vôt wòja nawnjek cans hag etek, ha moy wòja nawnjek cans eth warn ügens. My ell dewis en mis Gorefen ma. Thera vy en pastel vro nowydh. Na wrüga vy chânjya chei bes ma chânjys genam an pastel vro! An or a labmas a-dreus dhe'n pow, dres ow chei. Termyn kens thera vy en Truru ha Falmeth, lebmyn thera vy en Redrüdh ha Cambron.

The first general election for the House of Commons of the United Kingdom was in the year 1802. Henry Addington was appointed as Prime Minister by King George. Women did not vote. After that there were two more kings and ten more general elections, and still women could not be voters. After the death of William IV, there was a queen. During the reign of Queen Victoria there were fifteen more general elections, and still women could not vote. In the twentieth century there were three kings and a queen who could appoint prime ministers, and there were twenty-five general elections. In this century we have had seven prime ministers. Some women got a vote after 1918, and more after 1928. I can vote in this July. I am in a new constituency. I did not move house but I have changed constituency. The boundary jumped across the land, over my house. The time before I was in Truro and Falmouth, now I am in Camborne and Redruth.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

a-dreus dhe across

An Wlascor Ûnyes The United Kingdom

Chei an Gebmyn (m) House of Commons 

dewis to vote, choose (+ can use vôtya)

dewisyans kebmyn (m) general election

kensa ~ pedn menyster (m) prime minister

or (f) boundary, border, frontier

pastel vro (f) constituency

poyntys appointed < (verb) appoyntya ~ poyntya

vôtyoresow voters < vôtyores (f)

Wednesday 29 May 2024

2024 Day 150

2024 Dedh Cans ha Hanter Cans

De Merher, nawes warn ügens mis Me

Wednesday, 29th May

My a wor dr'ew da genowgh desky Kernôwek Bew, bes ew da genowgh desky tavasow erel? Eus whans dhewgh a wodhvos tavas aral? My a venja godhvos lies tavas. Eus othom dhebm a wül hedna? Nag eus! Terweythyow, thera vy ow redya toknys war fardeligow ha cadnys. Nag ens nevra en Kernôwek. Pandra venja anjei leverel? En Spaynek ha Portûgalek, ma tokyn ow leverel "Alimento completo para gatos adultos." Henn ew "Boos dien rag cathes cowldevys". Ma geryow Italek ow leverel "Ricco in pollo". Henn ew "Rych en yar". Ma hevelepter in nebes geryow. 

I know that you like learning Living Cornish, but do you like learning other languages? Do you want to know another language? I would like to know many languages. Do I need to do that? No! Sometimes, I read labels on packets and cans. They are never in Cornish. What would they say? In Spanish and Portuguese a label says, "Alimento completo para gatos adultos". That is "Complete food for adult cats". Italian words say "Ricco in pollo". That is "Rich in chicken". There is a similarity in some words.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

aral other  (singular) > erel (plural)

cadnys cans, tins  

cadna (m) (SWFM kannys < kanna)

cowldevys adult, fully grown (SWFM tevesik)

fardeligow packets < fardelik (m) 

< fardel pack

godhvos to know, to be able to do (mutates g>w after a > a wodhvos of knowing > my a wor I know

tavasow languages < tavas (m)

toknys labels, tags, tickets, etc. < tokyn (m)

nag eus no (in ans. to a qu.), there is not

othom (m) need (SWFM edhom>

> eus othom dhe .x. a .y.? does .x. need .y.? (literally is there need to .x. of .y.?)

whans (m) want, desire (SWFM hwans) > 

> eus whans dhe .x. a .y.? does .x. want .y.? (literally is there want to .x. of .y.?)

Tuesday 28 May 2024

2024 Day 149

2024 Dedh Cans Dogens ha Naw

De Meurth, ethves war ügens mis Me

Tuesday, 28th May

Ma rîm rag flehes en Sowsnek ow tòchya peies. Ma üdn pei ow menya düwonHenn ew drog chons. Da ew genen gweles dew (po diw) anodhans warbarth, drefen ma hedna ow menya lôwender. Onan rag düwon, dew rag lôwender, trei rag mowes ha pajar rag maw. Pemp rag arhans, whegh rag owr, seyth rag secret nevra cowsys. Bes my a gavas pei; üdn edhen varow, teg saw heb bownans veth. E veu an düwon ha'n drog chons dhedhy. O hei edhen yonk? A veu droglam dhedhy? Ma gwelys genam edhyn marow erel ewedh.

There is a rhyme for children in English about magpies. One magpie means sorrow. That is bad luck. We like seeing two of them together, because that means joy. One for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl and four for a boy. Five for silver, six for gold, seven for a secret never told. But I found a magpie; one dead bird, pretty but lifeless. It had the sorrow and the bad luck. Was it a young bird? Did it have an accident? I have seen other dead birds too.

Deg ger rag hedhyw. Ten words for today.

arhans (m) ~ argan (m) silver

cowsys spoken, told, etc.

drog chons (m) bad luck

düwon (m) sorrow

heb bownans veth lifeless

lôwender (m) joy, happiness

marow > varow (after f noun) dead

maw (m) boy > mowes (f) ~ mos (f) girl

peies magpies < pei (m) 

(SWFM pie (col.) > piesen (f))

Monday 27 May 2024

2024 Day 148

2024 Dedh Cans Dogens hag eth

De Lün, seythves warn ügens mis Me

Monday, 27th May

Ma kevys genam mappa coth a radn an pluw ma. Pandra ellen nei gweles? Ma va ow tisqwedhes taclow dadn an dor -  gonyjow, kewfordhow, hag âwditys. Ha ellama gweles shaftys ewedh? En gwelha pres, nag eus bal dadn ow chei vy na shafta et ow lowarth. War an mappa whei ell gweles an menedh brâs, overdevys lebmyn gen spern. Pe le ma'n jynnjy war an mappa? Ew da genowgh an levrow Poldark gen Winston Graham. Trigys o ev en ogas hag ev a ûsyas an hanow "Nampara" et y whedhlow. 

I have found an old map of part of this parish. What can we see? It shows things under the ground - old mine workings, tunnels and adits. And can I see mine shafts too? Fortunately, there is no mine under my house, nor a shaft in my garden. On the map you can see the big hill, now overgrown with thorn trees. Where is the engine-house on the map? Do you like the Poldark books by Winston Graham? He lived nearby and he used the name "Nampara" in his stories.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

âwdit ~ âdit (m) adit

bal (m) mine

gonyjow old mine workings < gonys (m)

jynnjy (m) engine-house

kewfordhow tunnels < keyfordh (f) (SWFM kowfordh)

levrow books < lever (m) (SWFM lyver) 

menedh ~ mena (m) hill, mountain 

mappa (m) map

shafta (m) mine shaft > pl. shaftys

spern (col.) thorn trees

Saturday 25 May 2024

2024 Day 147

2024 Dedh Cans Dogens ha Seyth

De Sül, wheffes warn ügens mis Me

Sunday, 26th May

En mythologieth Grek thera euthvil henwys "Hydra". An best üthyk ma o cramvil, pecar'a sarf dhowr lies hy fednow. Venymüs o hei, ha hei alja tevy dew bedn nowydh rag keniver onan trehys dhe-ves. Tho hei hager dra saw hei a veu ladhys gen gorour Grek. E'n etegves cansbledhen, losower dhort Sweden a wrüg creia best dowr er bian, lies y esely, "Hydra". Ev ell dastevy pecar'a an euthvil Grek. Ma othom a ûsya microscop dh'y weles pur dha. Terweythyow ma bagasow brâs a vestes morek pecar'a hedna oll warbarth en colony. Nena whei ell aga gweles heb microscop. Lies anodhans a veu whethys gans an gwens war dreth Porth Erys. En gwelha pres, nag ew an "marners gans an gwens" ma venymüs.


In Greek mythology there was a monster called "Hydra". This monstrous/terrible beast was a reptile, like a water snake with many heads. It was venomous, and it could grow two new heads for each one cut off. It was a terrible thing, but it was killed by a Greek hero. In the eighteenth century, a Swedish botanist called a little freshwater animal with many tentacles "Hydra". It can regenerate like the Greek monster. One needs to use a microscope to see it very well. Sometimes there are large groups of marine animals like that all together in a colony. Then you can see them without a microscope. Many of them were blown by the wind onto Portheras Cove beach. Fortunately, these "by the wind sailors" are not venomous.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

best üthyk (m) a monstrous beast < üthyk ~ euthyk  terrible

cramvil (m) reptile (SWFM kramvil)

dowr er freshwater

euthvil (m) monster > (pl.) euthviles

gorour (m) hero

hager dra (f) a terrible thing

losower (m) botanist < losow plants (col.)

mythologieth (f) mythology

sarf dhowr (f) water snake

venymüvenomous (SWFM venymys)


Porth Erys "ploughland cove"

2024 Day 146

2024 Dedh Cans Dogens ha Whegh

De Sadorn, pempes warn ügens mis Me

Saturday, 25th May

Tavas pur rych ew agan tavas Kernôwek. Ma dhen lies vorr rag leverel an keth tra! Ha ma dhen nebes geryow rag moy es üdn dra. Nei ell gwary gen geryow. My ell gweles plansow scovornow logas gans ow dewlagas ow hònan. Lagajek o vy. Bes res ew dhebm gwitha üdn lagas war an kei coth, ke nag üjy oll an lagajow a'n bes warnam. Nag ew an kei lagajek, bes thew ev scovarnek. Ma dhodho scovornow da, diw scovarn dha. Ev ell clowes logojen po oula po lostek e'n nos. Nag eus gwelys genam oula scovarnek. En termyn eus passyes my wrüg gweles scovarnek.

Our Cornish language is a very rich language. We have many ways for saying the same thing! And we have several words for more than one thing. We can play with words. I can see mouse-ear plants with my own two eyes. I am sharp-eyed. But I have to keep one eye on the old dog, though all the eyes of the world are not on me. The dog is not sharp-eyed but he is sharp-eared. He has good ears, two good ears. He can hear a mouse or an owl or a fox in the night. We have not seen a long-eared owl. In the past I did see a hare.  

Geryow rag hedhyw Words for today 

lagajek sharp-eyed, goggle-eyed

lagas (m) eye > (dual) dewlagas > (plural) lagajow eyes (SWFM lagasow)

logas (plural or collective) mice > logojen (f)

lostek bushy-tailed > lostek (m) fox

oula (m) owl > (pl.) oulys

oula scovarnek (m) long-eared owl

scovarn (f) ear > (plural) scovornow  > scovarnek (m) hare

scovarnek long-eared or sharp-eared 

Friday 24 May 2024

2024 Day 145

2024 Dedh Cans Dogens ha Pemp

De Gwener, pajwora warn ügens mis Me

Friday, 24th May

Ello whei gweles kei bian ow sedha e'n vôwnder? Na vedn ev kerdhes. De, nei a gemeras kerdh pur hir (martesen re bell), ha lebmyn nag eus whans dhodho kerdhes, tabm veth! Ma whans dhodho gòrtos tre. Ew ev skith po diek? Ew ev fethys? My venja kemeres foto a scovornow logas, saw na ellama cavas üdn plans veth. Ma flourys gwydn brâs ha ma flourys blou bian. Ma kevys genam flourys gwydn bian, saw nag en jei scovornow logas. Nag eus dhodhans delkyen vlewek po budd blewek. An flourys gwydn sevy ew treylys dhe frûtys rüdh bian. 

Can you see a little dog sitting in the lane? He won't walk. Yesterday, we took a very long walk (perhaps too far), and now he doesn't want to walk, not at all! He wants to stay at home. Is he tired or lazy? Is he worn-out? I would like to take a photo of mouse-ears, but I can't find a single plant. There are big white flowers and there are little blue flowers. I have found little white flowers but they are not mouse-ears. They do not have a furry leaf or a furry bud. The white flowers of the wild strawberries have become little red fruits.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

blewek furry, hairy

budd (m) bud

delkyen ~ delen (f) leaf

diek lazy 

fethys worn out, overcome

frûtys fruits

kevys found < (verb) cavas ~ cawas to find, get

ow sedha sitting

scovornow logas mouse-ear plants < scovarn logojen (f)

tabm veth not at all

Thursday 23 May 2024

2024 Day 144

2024 Dedh Cans Dogens ha Pajar

De Yow, tryja warn ügens mis Me

Thursday, 23rd May

"Whei a dal chânjya chei," emedh agan flehes. "Truru a vedh moy vas ragowgh." Fatla qwra nei mos? Pandra wra nei esgara? Nei a gerdhas e'n trolergh nowydh a-hes. Ma lies bleujen vrâs. Manegow an spryjyon ew meurgerys gans an gwenen. Ma elstrek ogas dhe'n gover; an elester ew melyn. Pandr'ew hanow an flourys gwydn ma? Na ellama remembra poran. Martesen thens kegis bûgh. Thens kegis a neb sort.

You should move house," said our children. "Truro will be more convenient for you." What if we go? What will we relinquish? We walked along the new footpath. There are many big flowers. Foxgloves are much loved by the bees. There's an iris bed near the stream; the irises are yellow. What's the name of these white flowers? I can't remember exactly. Perhaps they are cow parsley. They are some sort of umbellifer.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

chânjya chei to move house

elstrek (f) iris bed < elester (col.) irises > elestren (f) flag, iris

e'n ... a-hes all along the ..., from end to end

esgara to relinquish < gara to leave (SWFM gasa)

fatla qwra nei? what if we do?

kegis bûgh (col.) cow parsley

manegow an spryjyon foxgloves, folks'gloves

meurgerys much loved, popular, beloved, etc.

poran exactly, precisely

vas convenient, suitable

Wednesday 22 May 2024

2024 Day 143

2024 Dedh Cans Dogens ha Trei

De Merher, nessa warn ügens mis Me

Wednesday, 22nd May 

Scon y vedh othom dhen a dhewis canajow dhe dhanon bys en Loundres dhe vos agan Esely Senedh. Soweth, nag eus Senedh Kernow, na whath. Peth eus othom dhe nei? Pan vaner ombrofyer a dal nei gweles? Ma whans dhen a nebonan (den po benyn) heb preder a'y honan, heb sqwithter, codnyk ha für, na pedn bobba na chorl, wheg ha hegar. Ew hedna re? Ha piw a vedh Kensa Menyster an gwelha? Piw a via da rag Kernow?

Soon we will need to choose representatives to send to London to be our Members of Parliament. Sadly, there is no Cornish Assembly, not yet. What do we need? What kind of candidate should we see? We want somebody (man or woman) selfless, untiring, clever and wise, neither fool nor scoundrel, kind and amiable. Is that too much? And who will be the best Prime Minister? Who would be good for Cornwall?

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

canajow representatives < cadnas (f)

chorl (m) scoundrel

codnyk clever, talented (SWFM konnyk)

danon ~ danvon to send

dewis to choose, pick, elect

Esely Senedh Members of Parliament 

Esel Senedh (m) E.S. M.P.

heb preder a'y hònan selfless, unselfish

heb sqwithter untiring, tireless

ombrofyer (m) candidate

pan vaner what kind (of), what sort, etc.

pedn bobba (m) fool, dolt

Tuesday 21 May 2024

2024 Day 142

2024 Dedh Cans Dogens ha Dew

De Meurth, kensa warn ügens mis Me

Tuesday, 21st May 

Pluw Peran Arwodhel ew pur dhe les ha leun a contrasts. Ma res segh en Rissick bes ma tir dowrek a-dâl dhe'n eglos ha'n dreveglos. War an mappa trolerghow whei ell gweles nebes còsow, liwys gwer (glas), bes ma gwedh erel ewedh. Gwedh edhel a dal kerna (crena) e'n Grenwydh. Martesen ma kylly po kelly a'n gwedhednow teg ow kerna.

Perranarworthal Parish is very interesting and full of contrasts. There is a dry ford at Rissick but there is watery ground opposite the church and the churchtown. On the footpaths map you can see several woods, coloured green, but there are other trees too. Aspen trees should be trembling in Greenwith Common. Perhaps there is a copse or grove of the pretty trembling trees.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

a-dâl dhe opposite to, facing 

a dal should < (defective verb) talvos

crena ~ kerna to tremble, vibrate, shake, etc.

edhel (col.) aspens > edhlen (f) 

> edhel-crena (col.) "trembling" aspen

kylly (W. Cornwall) ~ kelly (E. Cornwall) copse, grove

mappa (m) map

pluw (f) parish

res (f) ford

segh dry

treveglos (f) churchtown

PERRANARWORTHAL (Peran Arwothel 1612)

> Peran Arwodhel “St Peran facing watery ground”

RISSICK (Resegh 1312) 

> Ressegh “dry ford”

Monday 20 May 2024

2024 Day 141

2024 Dedh Cans Dogens ha Wonan

De Lün, ügensves mis Me 

Monday, 20th May

En termyn eus passyes thera lies den bal en Cambron, bes an balyow a wrüg diwedhy. Na veu sten na cober moy ha na veu whel rag an düs whel. An düs bal a gemeras aga lavür ha 'ga gallos bys en America, dhe "Mineral Point" (Pedn Moon), tiredh mònek. En kensa anjei a gawas plobm, ha moy diwedhes zynk. Anjei a gemeras aga gallos ha ga henwyn teylû, pecar'a Trelawny ha Pendarves. Radn anodhans eth kerdh rag trouvya owr (en California)  - bes anjei a aras aga henwyn. Remembrys ew Kernow en Wisconsin. Ma an baner a-ûgh en Strêt Kenwerth!  

In a time past there were many miners in Camborne, but the mines finished. There was no more tin or copper and there was no work for the workmen. The miners took their labour and their skills to America, to Mineral Point, a region rich in minerals. At first they got lead, and later zinc. They took their skills and their family names, such as Trelawny and Pendarves. Some of them went away to find gold (in California) - but they left their names. Cornwall is remembered in Wisconsin. The flag is flying in Commerce Street!

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

balyow mines < bal (m)

cober (m) copper

den bal (m) miner > (pl.) tüs bal (no mutation)

diwedha ~ diwedhy to finish, end, terminate

gallos (m) skills, ability, competence

lavür (m) labour

mònyow minerals < moon (m) > mònek mineral-rich 

plobm (m) lead

sten (m) tin

zynk (m) zinc